100 Ways to Have Fun - WALMART EDITION!

Make up fun things to do at Wal-Mart!

Make an enormous realistic sign saying

Always High Prices,

Walk up to a person and say "I havent seen you in years!" Watch if they play along or just leave

Short and Sweet: Try to Fly

Take a squirt gun and yell "NO ONE MOVE! THIS IS A STICKUP!"

My favorite in 10 easy steps!:
1. Grab a small melon.
2. Go into a crowded bathroom
3. Go into a stall.
4. Start groaning loudly for thirty seconds.
5. Drop the melon in the toilet.
6. Flush the toilet thirty times
7. Rip toilet paper from the stalls very loudly
8. I need to get to ten *Cough*
9. Read number 8
10.. Yell, "WHERE ARE THE PLUNGERS IN THIS PLACE!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!"
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Knock over all teh shelves.

use oranges as bowling balls.

SING VERY LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eat all teh cheese
Name of Activity:
Secret Agents


Things Needed:
A shopping cart
Toy Guns and Walkie Talkies(You may use some from the store)
A friend

You're mission is that there is a bomb in one of the cereal boxes and you must destroy the cereal box that contains the bomb. Get in a shopping cart and have your friend give you one strong push, then have them let go so you're soaring through the store, passing each isle, still inside the cart. Each isle you pass- shoot people with your toy gun then when you get to the end of the store, you hit the wall. (Warning: It may hurt.) Then jump out with your gun and walkie-talkie. Walk through the store like a secret agent would, holding your gun out in front of you pointing strait ahead. Walk to the cereal isle and hold one of the cereal boxes to your ear. Then throw it and get another box, and also hold it to your ear. Continue to do this until you get to the LAST box. When you do, hold it to your ear and pretend you hear a timer going "tick, tick, tick" Then yell into your walkie-talkie "CODE RED, CODE RED!!!" You're friend will hear you and run over to you. But when your friend arrives, pretend the bomb goes off and both of you jump up and soar through the air yelling, "NOOOOOOOOOO" and knock over all the shelves, landing on the floor leaving a huge mess. Then pretend to have a seisure and when you're done, start twitching your neck, arms and feet and also blink your eyes a lot. Then both of you get up and walk outside like nothing happened.
MrsKeynes x3 said:
Name of Activity:
Secret Agents


Things Needed:
A shopping cart
Toy Guns and Walkie Talkies(You may use some from the store)
A friend

You're mission is that there is a bomb in one of the cereal boxes and you must destroy the cereal box that contains the bomb. Get in a shopping cart and have your friend give you one strong push, then have them let go so you're soaring through the store, passing each isle, still inside the cart. Each isle you pass- shoot people with your toy gun then when you get to the end of the store, you hit the wall. (Warning: It may hurt.) Then jump out with your gun and walkie-talkie. Walk through the store like a secret agent would, holding your gun out in front of you pointing strait ahead. Walk to the cereal isle and hold one of the cereal boxes to your ear. Then throw it and get another box, and also hold it to your ear. Continue to do this until you get to the LAST box. When you do, hold it to your ear and pretend you hear a timer going "tick, tick, tick" Then yell into your walkie-talkie "CODE RED, CODE RED!!!" You're friend will hear you and run over to you. But when your friend arrives, pretend the bomb goes off and both of you jump up and soar through the air yelling, "NOOOOOOOOOO" and knock over all the shelves, landing on the floor leaving a huge mess. Then pretend to have a seisure and when you're done, start twitching your neck, arms and feet and also blink your eyes a lot. Then both of you get up and walk outside like nothing happened.

O.O I like that idea....

1. Go try on some rollerblades, and then give them a spin around the store...
2. Hide in the clothing sections and jump out scaring random people....
3. Come up with some strange names... (We used Cupcake, Spoonz, Spaz, Fork, Pez, Ding-Dong, etc.)
4. Sure fire way to get attention... "IT'S A RAT!!!!!!! EEEEEKK!!!!!"
go into a changing room and then yell, “THERE’S NO TIOLET PAPER IN HERE!!”

dart around the store humming tunes from ‘Mission Impossible’

go to the rifle section, look at one sadly and ask where the anti-depressant aisle is

hide inside of those spinning, round racks, and when a customer browses through them, jump out and shout, “PICK ME!! PICK ME!!”

put a 'wet floor' sign on the carpet.

practice your madonna look by rolling on the floor.

when the store is absolutely quiet, let out an ear-piercing scream (<--that one's not too funny)

when you hear the PA system, curl up in a fetal position and say, "I'm hearing those voices again!!"

stand behind the display window and press your nose against the glass, and shout, "HELP!! I CAN"T GET OUT!!!"

take a parking lot cone and put it on your head and hop around, singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" to whoever will stand within 5 feet of you.

take a brownie, squish it to look like dog doodoo, then put it outside the store's door. when someone comes out to clean it up, offer to do it, but pick it up and put it in your mouth...........

paint red dots all over your face, then, ask the pharmacist what kind of acne-cream he has.

put on a shirt that says "Einstein", then, run around, knocking into things down and falling, shouting, "Eureka!!".

go to the toilet paper aisle, take a pack, and start singing the 'charmin' commerical song to the other customers....

go to the sports section, select a heavy duty baseball bat, turn to the person next to you and ask, "what are the chances someone who beats someone to death will go to jail?" i guarentee they will slowly back away from you...

then there's always 'dog-jaw'!
go up to the pharmacist, ask him for an over-the-counter medication for 'dog-jaw' and he's probably never heard of it, so he'll say, "excuse me?" or "huh?" or something. tell him to touch the joint of your jaw, and when he does, do a big huge yap in the direction of his finger. and then you say innocently, "see?"
Someone who's a teen, go to the toy isle and freak out about the new LeapFrog stuff, and start kicking and screaming if your Mom doesn't get it for you...:D
Or prank call.
OK here's a couple ones:

Dump lemonade on the floor of the bathroom/store/any bare floor

1: Get a candy bar.
2: Take it into a bathroom stall.
3: Rub the cany bar all over one hand, the more and sloppier it is, the better.
4: Reach into the next stall and ask for toilet paper.

Turn on ALL of the Elmos, Doras, ect. on at the same time.
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Go and stand by a random person (whom you do not know) for a while and then out of nowhere, run down the isle screaming, "STRANGER, STRANGER!", pointing at the adult.
Dress up in all black. Eyeliner, black hoodie, black pants with saftey pins, the whole shabang. Walk around the store and pick up some random thing, (make sure you have your hood on)! Look around like you're not supposed to have it. Then walk up to the check out line still looking around suspiciously, and pay for it. (this freaks employees out!)