100 Ways to Have Fun - WALMART EDITION!

Apple_Of_Life29 said:
have races in shopping carts with your friends
Run as fast as possible throught the whole store screaming like a fire engine-honks works 2!

Grab two bicycle horns-the LOUDER the BETTER!-.
Hold one in each hand.
Run through the store honking them as loud as possible
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dress in an insane outfit, go w/ a friend to your local WM and pretend to be blind. call your friend (boy or girl!) "grandma" and run away frequently and knock down several displays as you run
Okay, I haven't tried this, but I don't go to WalMart.

Walk up to some random person and shout "mommy" (if its a guy) or "daddy" (if its a girl) and then hug them. When they turn it around scream bloody murder and run away yelling "IT'S THE BIG SCARY BUGGIE MOSTER"

Start singing really loud and dance around in an isle thats empty, then when someone comes down look all innocent then they turn around crank it up!

sumersault through the isles.

If your a teen, go down the toy isle and grab a bunch of barbies. Line them up on the floor and sit down and start playing with them, in their boxes...then when someone comes by look up and say "Shhhhh, Barbie's sleeping!" and then start to cry when they pick something up off the shelf.

When someone goes to pick something off the shelf, snag it from them and scream in their face "ITS MINE!"
Follow some random person around with a walkie talkie and pretend to hide, but make sure the can still see you. Talk into the walkie talkie every so often and block your mouth so they don't know what you are saying. :D
ElectricJello said:
Dress up in all black. Eyeliner, black hoodie, black pants with saftey pins, the whole shabang. Walk around the store and pick up some random thing, (make sure you have your hood on)! Look around like you're not supposed to have it. Then walk up to the check out line still looking around suspiciously, and pay for it. (this freaks employees out!)
I saw someone who did that!!! :eek: It scared the crap out of me!!! My family made sure to keep away from him, we thought he might be in a gang or something.

Have you little brother or sister go to the tire isle, have them ask a supervisor "I need new tires for my car... which of these two are the prettiest??"
never done it, but it sounds haliarous!
Go up to random people and act all dreamy saying "I love you!!!"

Run around the whole store screaming "Wally-World!!!!!"

Act really skitish & paranoid: bump into someone and act like it was their fault, "omg, why are you touching me?" "Are you stalking me? STALKER!!!!!"

Accuse someone of shoplifting something that they just picked up.

Sit in a virbrating chair and put it on high and when someone passes say "OMG you have to try this!!!" and get up and force them to sit in the chair. If they agree and sit down start laughing hystarically and rolling all over the floor.
Run around the Store yelling "Kill americans!"

Yell "Robber he stole my pruse catch him."

Knock things off the shelves and act like you can't see anything.

Drive cart into tower of tomatoe cans and ran away as it falls.
Ok, well I know some people already mentioned the whole "pretending to be blind" thing but I still want to share this.
I have a really good friend, Nick, and he's really funny. He says that if we ever go to Walmart together one day, that he'll get a pair of sunglasses in the store, put them on and then pretend to be blind screaming, "SHARRONNN" like Ozzy Ozbourne does. He'll run into things all around the store and then he says he's gunna run into the wall, then fall down and pretend to have a seisure. Then he'll act like he has a twitch (still on the ground), then moments later, he'll take off the sunglasses, get up and walk out normally like nothing ever happened. haha
I'll try and video tape it if I can for you people to see one day lol
I tried something like that Lady Jean...it's pretty funny :D

Sit in a random chair (this only works w/ two friends) and twitch spastically like you are insane. Sticking your tongue out and rolling your eyes dramatically helps. Have your two friends restrain you whenever someone walks past, and when people look at you they grin and say, "Hi."

I actually did this, a couple years ago. Dad threatened never to take us to WM again if we did that anymore, so we stopped :D Most of the people either laughed or sped up. ;) :D