1000 More Reasons You Are Addicted to Narniafans


765. You open about ten+ tabs every time you log on to NF, one for each thread you're looking at, so you can reply quicker.
764. You rearrange your schedule to plan conventions for the site....Everyone sign up for LionCon2008!

763. You consider many members your good friends!

762. You have met several members offline and can't wait to hang out with them again! (Love ya Inkling, Inkspot, Dark Knight, Son of Adam, Timbalionguy, Parthian King, Ninaruth)

761. You show up at the churches other members pastor when taking a vacation...(love your church there PK)
756. You know the two people who used to post forever and ever and ever and eveer and ever and ever and ever and ever over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... (Drat! I think I've got a muscle twich.)
749. You know that Olórin messed up the count on purpose... *glares*

748. You know this will happen often.
746. You try to get your friends to join.

745. If your friends don't join you ignore them.

744. Your TDL friends become your new best friends. =]
743. You start talking to yourself
742. You realize you have more friends here than in real life
741. You eat meals at the computer
(I've done 741 mulitple times)

740. you are inviting all of TDL to your wedding
739. you know you'll still be ON TDL by the time you get married
138. your perfect guy is a guy who won't think you're insane for being on this site your whole life.