673: You've decied that posting on here is far more important than school and drop out to become a full time poster.
672: After your mom finds out about the above post and forces you BACK in school you simply arrange your schedule around posting on the forums so that you're never gone for more than and hour at a time.
671: You're phone conversations include phrases like 'Sorry I can't talk right now...I'm posting."
670: When around people not a part of the forum you find yourself pushing the topic of Narnia on them at every chance, followed by the phrase. "There's this great site you ought to visit..."
670: When around people not a part of the forum you find yourself pushing the topic of Narnia on them at every chance, followed by the phrase. "There's this great site you ought to visit..."
669. Your friends have already figured out that you are gonna talk about Narnia and roll their eyes every time you go near the subject.
668. You have already made plans with your friends to see Narnia on Dec. 9th
667. After seeing the movie, you will post a review on the forum, and you will rant about everything that was different in the movie from the book, whether it be polar bears, or Peter saving Edmund, or aliens visiting Earth
666. You purposly continue to post addictions, just so you can hit 666
665. You tell people on the forum that you'll be out for a while ('cause of school or whatever) but you maintain your at least 1 post a day average anyway.
662. You describe your friends as Duffers, ignoring their weird looks.
661. Every Duffer thread involves BC's knife, myself posting the wrong gender of a fellow member, someone saying forever and ever and ever, and posts determing which members are Duffers. This strikes you as normal.
660. You are amazed at the amount of adult content in other forums
659, You are scared to join other forums, for the fear of leaving the safety of Specter and the mods
658. You join other forums just to create a thread about narniafans.com