11th graders rock

Well in my school we the juniors according yo tour school system (here I´ma freshman) are tormented by the older kids. Well not tormented but they often let us know that it´s our first winter in school and that they have "power" over us.

No kidding, they do that here too.
Only I'm cocky, and when they tell me to shutup, I stand up (litterally), get in their face and tell them to shutup :) They also called me a stupid freshman "Well ya know what? Your a stupid senior" :p

Yesterday, a senior told the class to shutup, and I yelled at him to shutup because he was doing no better by talking loudly with his friends. And I kid you not, everyone (including the teacher, yes, she did not care that the senior had told us to shutup) turned their head towards me with a face that said "Did he just say what I think he said?"
The seniors reply was (rather quiet, mind you) "Your a freshman, I can do anything I want to you. I think he said it quiet because he didn't want the teacher to know :) Highschool is fuunnnn

Wow, Hannah, I thought you were like 16 :eek:
No kidding, they do that here too.
Only I'm cocky, and when they tell me to shutup, I stand up (litterally), get in their face and tell them to shutup :) They also called me a stupid freshman "Well ya know what? Your a stupid senior" :p

Yesterday, a senior told the class to shutup, and I yelled at him to shutup because he was doing no better by talking loudly with his friends. And I kid you not, everyone (including the teacher, yes, she did not care that the senior had told us to shutup) turned their head towards me with a face that said "Did he just say what I think he said?"
The seniors reply was (rather quiet, mind you) "Your a freshman, I can do anything I want to you. I think he said it quiet because he didn't want the teacher to know :) Highschool is fuunnnn

Wow, Hannah, I thought you were like 16 :eek:

Wow is it really like that at your school? Wow, my school is so much different. When I was a freshman, all the seniors were nice to me, probably because my brother was very popular amongst his peers, but anyway they were all nice to me and I made quite a few great senior friends during my freshman year. Now, I'm a senior but I would never try to make anyone upset, despite the age difference. At my school, everyone just gets along just fine. Also, since our football team and cheerleading team sucks, they aren't really that popular. The water polo team and the nationally awarded drill team is more well known throughout my school. Basically, there isn't much of a 'popularity' race at my school, its just that people have their own group of friends and don't really care what others think of them. Yeah there are a few rude people but no one cares about them and mostly the people that are rude are the people that get the cold shoulder from others. It's either be nice to everyone or don't talk at all. lol