2007 Movies

The Bourne Ultimatum
Mrs. Doubtfire 2
Spiderman 3
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix IMAX
Pirates of the Carribean: World's End
Shrek the Third -aka- Shrek 3
The Ring Three
The Simpsons Movie
Fantasic Four and the Silver Surfer
Evan Almighty
National Treasure 2
Ocean's Thirteen
The Sandlot 3
Maximum Ride

Ask away if you dont know what one of the movies are, I will answer them ASAP!

Post here to tell me what other movies come out next year!
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Wolverine? Magneto? That would be awseome but are they movies? I know Wolverines history is blended with Magnetos cause of World War II, so maybe they are coming out with only one
I thought this thread was for posting movies that will come out in 2007,not to argue about them. I do care what comes out in IMAX,and I would love to to see OotP in IMAX.
The Narnia Addict said:
The Bourne Ultimatum
Mrs. Doubtfire 2
Spiderman 3
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Pirates of the Carribean: World's End

Post here to tell me what other movies come out next year!

i cant wait for each and everyone of them to come out
i love spiderman!!!!
Actually, from what I know, it is different. Movies that come out in IMAX theaters are more like 3D, only without the glasses. It makes you feel more part of a movie, like you're actually there. At a place in Six Flags Over Texas, there's a ride that is 3D, but it's a ride, not an actual movie. The seats move, and it makes you feel part of what's happening on the screen. Basic theatres, however, just allow you to watch the film, (with the exception of the special 3D movies, like The Adventures of Sharkboy and LavaGirl) come without the glasses, and you just sit there, not really a part of the film like in IMAX. Movies in IMAX theatres are really fun. Hope that clears your question up. I really hope that they someday release all six Star Wars films in IMAX theatres. :)
Yeah, of course its "different". Its obviously more fun in IMAX (I love it on a bigger screen, in IMAX)But its not like they made a special edition just for IMAX. Same movie, different viewing.
I don't know about that. Star Wars Ep. II was released in two editions: the IMAX Experience and the regular edition that was released in May. The IMAX version was released not too long before the dvd came out in November. Still, it may have been the same, and it may not have been. I wouldn't know since I didn't see either version in theatres, and the IMAX theatres it was opening in were in California, and New York, and places too far for me to go for a movie.
The Narnia Addict said:
I said movies. I dont really care if its coming out in IMAX

well, it's also coming out in theatres then, too, so i just thought i'd say IMAX since you already said (or someone did) that it was coming out in regular theatres.