5 Favorite characters and Favorite book


New member
Hello Everyone,

I think this will be fun. I was curious to know everyone's top 5 favorite characters were, and then their favorite book of the 7. Don't feel guilty, if Aslan isn't in your top 5, that doesn't mean you're anti-Jesus or anything. :)

I will start:

1. Reepicheep
2. Puddleglum
3. Caspian
4. Eustace
5. Aslan

Favorite Book:
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I know what you mean, but i've managed to narrow it down:


Fav. Book:
LWW (first fav.), LB (second), SC (third)
Hmm...this is a toughy! I can't put these in order yet k?

Caspian, Peter, Lucy, Pole, Corin

OH! I didn't say Aslan. Well, I guess it's obvious
Fav book?
Well when I was a kid I liked Silver Chair best, but now I'm not sure.
That's easy!

1 - Reepicheep
2 - Hwinn (I know that's not spelled right, but I can't find my book...)
3 - Bree :p
4 - Tirian
5 - Ummm, that girl, in A Horse and His Boy, what's her name... :confused: Where's my book when I need it?!?!?!
My favorite Chronicle: Silver Chair (tough choice, though)

My favorite characters:

1) King Tirian (faithful to the last - we even named a daughter after him!)
2) Reepicheep
3) Trufflehunter
4) Puddleglum
5) King Frank

(again, lots of tough choices)
Well here we gooooooooooo

Well my fave book is obviously LWW. I need two more charactars that are my fave...hmmm this is kinda hard....i might have to think about the two later.
1: CASPIAN!!! (ahem. Sorry.)
2: Lucy
3: Rillian
4: Caspian's teacher wasisname???
5: Aravis.

ASLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

My fave book? Gosh how to narrow it down. I must say Prince Caspian. Either that, VOTDT. :)
PrinceOfTheWest said:
Caspian's teacher - Dr. Corneilus

Good pick! It is those "behind the scenes" players strategically placed there by God (Aslan in the story) that seem to become the most important part of advancing His kingdom! They may not get much fanfare hear on earth, but there is a big crown waiting for them in heaven!

my pics:

1. Aslan
2. Eustace Scrubb (he's hilarious!)
3. Jill Pole (what's Scrubb without Pole?)
4. Reepicheep
5. Puzzle

favorite book:
Horse and His Boy - Because I love the character shaping of Shasta throughout the story by Aslan.
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I had no idea Reepicheep was so popular, I thought I was the only one! I have been rereading the books lately (which I highly reccommend if it's been a while, not to mention the movie is coming out and it could help get reacquainted) and I was laughing out loud at Reepicheep and Puddleglum.

When I posted this thread, I should have asked everyone to list the books in order as well. I will start,

1. Dawn Treader
2. Magicians Nephew
3. Lion, Witch, Wardrobe
4. Silver Chair
5. Last Battle
6. Prince Caspian
7. Horse and His Boy
Well, that is tough to do, but i'll give it a try:


*whew* the first three, i'm sure about
the rest, just whichever has a bigger impression on me.
The Green Lady -- I was bewitched!
Jadis -- oh, she's evil from A to Z
Aslan -- needed to show that the bad girls are indeed bad
Lucy -- the sweet girl, it's odd that I just found out that her name is linked to Lucius
Puddleglum -- he has a gloomy sense of humor

The Silver Chair
The Magician's Nephew
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Last Battle
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Prince Caspian
The Horse and His Boy
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Yes, I do agree with jasonc65, Puddleglum's sense of humor is gloomy and to me it's histerical. I think I'm attracted to that character because I've known people like him who only see the down side of things. Although one could argue that it's not his sense of humor, but just his personality. I don't think he's trying to be funny. :)

Anyone else out there got an opinion?
If I asked who your favorite villian is from the books, I wonder if the White Witch would win hands down? Or maybe the Tisroc (may he live forever) would win, or how about the Green Lady of the Underground world (does it ever give her a name?). Anyway, just wondering.
You're right about the Green Lady - she's never given a name, other than the one she gives herself - "The Lady of the Greek Kirtle" (kirtle=girdle, i.e. belt).

Greatest villans - that's a good one, really. I think it a credit to Lewis that he doesn't lean heavily on villians for his plotlines - the issue is more the characters of the protagonists, for good and ill. Here are my suggestions:

Jadis (of course - the most obvious)
The Lady of the Green Kirtle, wherever she came from
Miraz the Usurper (and fratricide, and all-round tyrant)
Prince Rabadash the Treacherous
Uncle Andrew
Rishda Tarkaan
Ginger the Cat
Shift the Ape
My 5 favorite characters are...





(5)Hwin and Aravis

Oh dear that's 6 isn't it. Oh well, I couldn't decide.

I think my favorite books are the first three ones and the Silver Chair. Hence, the only ones I've read. Ha ha Ha.