5 Favorite characters and Favorite book

1. Jadis the White Witch
2. Mr. And Mrs. Beaver
3. Aslan
4. Edmund
5. Lucy (She is so cute)

Favorite book: Magician's Nephew
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My five favorite characters are:

1. Edmund Pevensie (That's obvious)
2. Aslan
3. Peter Pevensie
4. Lucy Pevensie
5. Susan Pevensie

My favorite book:

I have not read all books, I am currently reading and not finished LWW and its currently my favorite book.
My favorite book is LWW.

My top five:
1. Tumnus
2. Aslan
3. Lucy Pevensie
4. Edmund Pevensie
5. Puzzle the donkey
My favorite characters in no particular order are:


My favorite book: A Horse and His Boy. Followed by LWW and Magician's Nephew. I can't remember the others as well so I wouldn't know where to place them which why I'm rereading the series right now.