______vs______? - Volume II

I can eat the cake!

By the way, not every katana is a daito. The standard katana was no longer than a reasonably long one-handed sword, but the amount of its length given over to the hilt allowed a two-handed grip which gave more control and force. One of the greatest foes ever to challenge the great ronin Musashi was a man who used a really long daito. To defeat him, Musashi resorted to wielding a boat oar.

Balloons vs. crepe paper as party decoration?
Since Andrew Adamson filmed "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" as a Narnia movie, but filmed "Prince NON-Caspian" as a stupid teenage-rivalry movie with swords, I must vote for the ONLY Narnia movie Adamson made.

Greek mythology vs. Norse mytholoogy?
The roads where i live are rather perilous(most roads in Poland terrible,thank goodness some renovation is starting to sink in),so for everyday i'd choose a bike.
However,i love motorcycles.The first time i rode on one i was eight,on a wonderful Harley-Davidson.One of my uncles ran beside(i was going pretty slow,seeing it was my first time),and i had such a great time!I can't wait till i get to ride again in the U.S.-this time FAST!:D:D:D

Going to the theatre to see a play vs. Going to see a movie