______vs______? - Volume II

I don't know who Bill Haley is. :eek: I guess I have to go with Elvis, since at least I know a little about him, even if I'm not his fan.

Seeing movies at a theater vs. Renting them
I guess seeing them,although with renting I can see really old movies that they don't often play at the theater. :(

Banana splits vs. chocolate sundaes
That's a really difficult question. But I'll go with banana splits.

I usually rent movies. For my entire family to go to a movie theater costs more than it does to BUY the movie when it comes out.

Popcorn vs. Pizza?
Hang it, pizza. Why do I have to choose?! (I know, I know, don't tell me. It's the whole point of this thread.)

Grits or cream of wheat?
CREAM OF WHEAT! *swoons* I haven't had it since I was seven, because my mom says it's unhealthy. :(

Favorite vegetable?
If I were a lot stronger, I would choose the longbow for its faster shooting. But since I have nothing like the muscular strength of a Robin Hood, I would have more chance of accomplishing something with a crossbow; I just would need to stay under cover when cocking it.

Trail mix vs. granola bars?