A Child's Reaction

Yes, indeed. Why oh why did I ever miss this thread? :) That's such a beautiful little story. I wish I could of been there to see the boy. But atleast I can see it in my mind. :D
Thanks for reviving this thread Lucy! It was a great story. I am pretty sure that boy will grow up to love Aslan, I know I did.

And Welcome Kara, I hope you hang around.
Don't know how I missed this thread before, but that is a great story. If only we would react the same way as that child did. Not only for Aslan, but Aslan as He is here - Jesus. We all could use a bit of that childlike faith and love.

Mat 18:3 Then he said to them, "I can guarantee this truth: Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Very adorable story! Well worth reviving the thread. I can just see the little guy.

And Kara Thrace, I hope you are still hanging around. I didn't see you post before. Welcome!

That is such a sweet story! I always get so worried for little kids in movies that could scare them - I'm glad he was all right! NarnianofGryffindor is totally right - I pray he one day sees the truth behind Aslan!
If only we all as adults could still react like that.

Very true. I recently read a story of when a Christian missionary was witnessing to a Romanian guard. When he told him of all the wonders that Jesus did and all the love he showed to everyone, the guard would get up and dance around and clapp, but when he heard that Jesus had been crucified, he sat down and started crying his eyes out that his Savior was dead. But when the man told him of the ressurection, the man got up and started dancing ang cheering louder than before!
it sounds so much to me the way i reacted to The Passion of the Christ. it really is a powerful moment.. i love little children. their minds are so magical. they see everything and feel all they should feel, though they usually never seem to know why....and yet, they are so much smarter than us as we get older.

I guess that's why Jesus loved children so much :D hehe
Events like that really touch the heart, make you realize how it only takes a small thing to make a little kid happy. But I'm surprised they're still playing LWW. Was it an informal theatre then?