*Loretta leaps up grasping the witches wand with her claws* I am of no service to you and you may not tell me when to silence EVIL one, do not strike what you do not wish to be stroke back with, I will repay that strike when you least expect it, for I live in trees and see everything, and that will be your death, un-majesty of Narnia!*Loretta is shouting this then turns to King Peter* I will not strike her now for your majesty's sake for I know you are not like me, and cannot escape any minute to the trees so I will take this blow and not strike back, but be sure when I do you will be ready!*turning to Jadis* though I now not avenge myself do not take me for granted, even if I do scratch, scratching could not make such a face as yours look any worse!*stands tall showing she is not afriad*