A Quiz bout yourself

1)Who do you think you look like?

2)What is your nickname?(you can say if youn want)

3)What is your interest?

4)What kinda ice cream do you like?

1)Well sorta like Evangeline Lily (from Lost). Well i'm not exactly like her, but just facial similarities i guess...

2)Story, yeah it's something about my real name ^_^

3)Hmm lots of things actually..singing, drawing, making graphics (especially icons), listening to music, doing sports, etc....

4)Well i guess cookie one, you know, like Ben&Jerry's :D Oh and i love vanilla flavoured ice cream..
tecmogirl said:
1)Who do you think you look like?

2)What is your nickname?(you can say if youn want)

3)What is your interest?

4)What kinda ice cream do you like?

I'll come up with more...

1*Hmmm some friends of mine think i look like Rachel McAdams or Julia Stegner...they're right actually... :rolleyes:


3*fashion,shoes,bags,catwalk,music,boyz(Skandar and my boyfriend:)),balett,summer,NY,acting

4*Ohhh my fav is strawberry flavoured icecream...i adore strawberry soo much ;) :rolleyes:
tecmogirl said:
1)Who do you think you look like?

2)What is your nickname?(you can say if youn want)

3)What is your interest?

4)What kinda ice cream do you like?

I'll come up with more...

1] Mehh.

2] Sofie (though I know other nicknames I have, but Sofia is my fave)

3] ..Interent, reading, watching movies that Im obsessed with :rolleyes:, fangirling, boy scoping, hanging out with friends while boy-scoping, yeah.

4] None.
1)Who do you think you look like? kat mcphever

2)What is your nickname? big mac or cheese it

3)What is your interest? archery, drama, reading, huging trees

4)What kinda ice cream do you like? chocalate pretzel
tecmogirl said:
1)Who do you think you look like?

2)What is your nickname?(you can say if youn want)

3)What is your interest?

4)What kinda ice cream do you like?

I'll come up with more...

1. i do not look like any famous peeps
2. my nickname is bruiser
3. i love animals, narnia, LotR, Harry Potter, and the TITANTIC
4. chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
tecmogirl said:
1)Who do you think you look like?

2)What is your nickname?(you can say if youn want)

3)What is your interest?

4)What kinda ice cream do you like?

1) Anna P.
2)Jewel, Ju-Ju-Bees
3)Tennis, Lizards & Fantasy
4) Chocolate & orange
tecmogirl said:
1)Who do you think you look like?

2)What is your nickname?(you can say if youn want)

3)What is your interest?

4)What kinda ice cream do you like?

I'll come up with more...

1.) I kinda look like Anna Popplewell actually!

2.) Nene

3.) William Moseley, Medicine, the Air Force and NARNIA!!!

4.) Mint Chocolate Chip