*Mrs.Beaver Fan*
New member
*Fights battle*
Battle? we were battleing? Hmm.. I must be very slow today.
*Fights battle*
Yes a writing battle betwen my ideas and my typing skills.
Its a mental battle
*fights in brain*
no me nwither, its just a slipper and a chew toy!!
lol ok posting more...
Not that much more by more all the same lol
“Jake,” I said again slightly louder.
Still, there was nothing.
I moved so that my head was right in the way of the TV. He still didn’t move, didn’t even blink.
I looked right into his eyes and said, “Jake come back to planet earth,” then I snapped my fingers like a hypnotist dose with their subject when the session is over.
Miraculously it worked; his straightened up and blinked several times before looking at me.
It was my turn to laugh this time; he looked at me with a bewildered and lost expression looking me up and down completely confused.
“You come back?” I said after I’d stopped guffawing.
“I didn’t go anywhere, did Ii?” he said still bemused.
“You tell me,” I said to him smiling, “you looked pretty far away to me.”
“What do you mean?” asked Jake almost becoming distressed now.
“Jake are you alright?” I said dropping the smile and looking concerned.
“Yeah fine,” he said looking up at me and grinning though it didn’t completely disguise his previous feelings.
He jumped up and rushed off to the kitchen, I could hear him raiding cupboards but I didn’t join him. That had been strange, he had never been like that before, Jake wasn’t the kind of person to day dream or forget what he had been doing either, that was more likely to be me, he was the kind of person who couldn’t sit still for two seconds would never be without something to fiddle with or annoy other people with, but this time it had been him.
I hadn’t been playing that close attention to him lately because we’d had alot of schoolwork but now we were alone I could see the change within him.
He had slipped off alot, spent more time in his room and ate less. Something had to be wrong. I hoped it was just a phase that would pass but each time I saw him he seemed to be - how could I put it - ageing before my very eyes.
The laughter was less and he now wore a frown more often than his warm smile I knew and loved so well.
MUWHA it has avery clever little twist lol!!!