A Sudden Apperance

Susan clung tightly to her stomach, feeling like she was going to be sick.
"Peter," she sobbed. "Edmund...Lucy..."
"Be quiet!" snapped a hoarse voice. A hooded figure was in the stern of the small boat, steering it gently into the mainland. Susan sat in the back of the boat, shivering and tied with thick, scratchy, dirty ropes.
If you haven't guessed, Susan was being...well, kidnapped. She had been smuggled off the beach of Cair Paravel at dawn and had been on the boat the whole day, whining for her brothers Peter and Edmund and for her sister Lucy, moaning for food and water, and sobbing.
"We're nearly there, Your Majesty," said the figure nastily. He laughed, then coughed, and went back to steering.
Susan wailed at him, "I want to go home!"
"I know you do, pretty little Queenie," said the figure, waving a hand as though brushing away what Susan had said. "But that isn't going to happen yet...a Queen for just 4 years and already kidnapped...I think you may have set a record."
Susan gulped. "You know what? When we get to where ever we're going..." but the figure swore loudly, rushed from the steering wheel, pulled a thick wad of moldy brown fabric from the folds of his cape, and stuffed it into Susan's mouth. She tried to spit it out but it was impossible. It tasted terrible and it felt horrible.
And then, what the hodded figure had said hit her. She was kidnapped four years into her riegn. And Peter, Edmund, and Lucy didn't even know it yet. Peter would always tell her that she wandered a lot, and that they are never worried as they "know she'll be back". But - was it possible that that would happen? That they wouldn't worry? Could they realize she wasn't coming back when she really wasn't coming back?
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Chapter 2 - What Happened at Cair

While all this was happening to poor Susan, her sister Lucy and brothers Edmund and Peter were quite worried.
"She couldn't have gone too far," said Peter, as he paced the floor of the throne room. "Could she?"
"No," Edmund responded. He was sitting in his throne. "I ate breakfast with her at dawn, and she went right down to - "
His eyes widened, his mouth opened in shock, and was instantly flooded with horror.
"What is it, Ed?" asked Lucy, the yougnest. She sat up in her throne, looking at her brother.
Edmund didn't say anything, but shook his head, jumped out of his throne, and ran from the room. Lucy glanced at Peter, who began to run after Edmund. Lucy followed.
They followed Edmund down the hall, down the stairs, around a few corners, and down another set of stairs. They ran after him through the entrance hall, out the front doors, and down the path to the beaches. There, at last, he stopped, panting, his hands on his knees as he bent over.
"Ed!" cried Lucy, stopping so suddenly Peter crashed into her. They toppled into Edmund and the three fell into the sand.
They stood up, shook the sand off their beautiful clothes, and Lucy and Peter stared at Edmund.
"Edmund," said Peter, annoyed. "What is it?"
"There...there was a boat here this morning. I've never seen it before. It's gone now, and so is Susan."

Peter stared at Edmund. "What?"
Edmund shook his head.
"Ed. Tell us - " Peter indicated himself and Lucy " - what you're going on about! Now!"
Edmund sighed and began to tell them. "This morning, I woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. Susan was down there already, and when we both finished, she said she was going down to the beaches, and I went to the throne room. I watched her walk up and down and up and down and up and down the beach till noon, when a small boat pulled up to the beach. A man in a hood got out of the boat and began to walk to Susan. They talked for a few seconds and then he got back in his boat and floated off in the direction of the swamps. Susan came in for lunch, I think, and went back out. I ate my lunch and when I came back up, she was gone from view. I guessed she was just coming back up or in the woods or fields or the archery ranges or something. I noticed the boat float back across my view and disappear again, heading for Archenland."
Thanks guys ((and Lucy_QueenofNarnia - PM me where you got those pics for your Kings and Queens of Narnia blend!!))

Peter just stared blankly at his brother. "You've got to be joking."
Edmund sorrowfully shook his head. Lucy began to cry.
"I want Susaaaaan!" Peter tried to hush her, but at the same time looked furiously at Edmund.
"I am sorry, Peter," said Edmund.
"Shut up - you!" snapped Peter. He gazed out to the sea. Then, he saw something that made his heart jump: "Look! There - no, more to your left - yes - there!" A small light, just a pinprick, as floating away from them. A second later, it disappeared.
"Come on," said Edmund. "Come on, Peter." He began leading the way down the small, rocky, sandy path to the beach.
"Where are we going?" asked Peter.
"To the boat!" called Edmund over his shoulder, as he was a head of Peter and Lucy.
Peter stopped, turned, and nearly ran into Lucy again. "Lucy - go to Mr. Tumnus' house," he said. "Wait for us there. We'll come get you."
"But I wanna come!" whined Lucy. "Don't just leave me!"
"Come on, Peter!" called Edmund.
Peter hugged his sister, hoping she wouldn't have the same fate as Susan that night. He turned and ran after Edmund, who was sitting in the boat, as Lucy waved.
She watched her brothers leave in the small boat, tears leaking from her eyes. She was being left alone, to wander from Cair Paravel to Mr. Tumnus' house. How could Peter do this to her? He would never do that. But then again - Susan was missing. Lucy hurried off to the stables, wiping her eyes as she went. There, in the stables, she prepared her horse Nadia and set off, her back to Cair.
Nadia went as fast as she could through the country. It was dark and Lucy and whished she brought a coat or light or food.
It was nearly dawn before she had reached the Lamppost where she first entered the magical land four years previous. But she had forgotten now, and her only memory of the strange light was of encountering it before. She shrugged and slid off Nadia. She led the horse away from the light and up a side path that she took to Mr. Tumnus' cave.
A few minutes later, she tied up Nadia outside Mr. Tumnus' door and knocked.
The sound of hooves falling on the stone floor reached her ears. The door flew open and a faun just a bit taller than Lucy wearing a red scarf appeared.
"Lucy!" he cried. Lucy rushed forward to greet her friend. She began to sob.
"My dear," said Tumnus. "What ever is wrong?" he led her into the house, down the small set of steps and into the main room. Lucy didn't even look around at the decor to notice a differance: the first journey and the one after that from the wardrobe (though, again I say, she had forgotten) to Mr. Tumnus' home, the cave decor was different from what it was now.
"What is it, dear Lucy?" said Tumnus as he closed the door. He began to bow but stopped himself: Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter all disliked when the Faun would bow to them; he was too good their friend to do so.
"It's - it's - Susan!" sobbed Lucy. Tumnus bustled around, preparing a strong cup of tea. He sat down while the water boiled and faced his friend.
"What ever happened?"
"She...disappeared!" wailed the young Queen. "I...We, Edmund, Peter, and I - oh, Mr. Tumnus - we think she was kidnapped!"
cool! can't wait to see what happens to Peter and Ed!!
its great!

(ps-I'm pming the site to you, but I think for the Edmund pic, I cropped a pic with all four of them and then blended it all together)
Peter clammered into the small boat as Edmund began to get them out to sea. Ten minutes later, they were freezing and hungry when they finally saw the prick of the light of the boat.
"Ed!" Peter pointed to the light. "There!"
Edmund turned the boat so they floated toward the light. It grew bigger and brighter until, quite suddenly, they bumped into the boat.
"Who are you?" said a gruff voice. A light, different from the one on the boat, shone in the boys' eyes.
"I am Peter!" said Peter. "High King of Narnia!"
The figure froze, then chuckled. "Well, isn't this just my lucky day! Two of Narnia's beloved Royals...!"
"What - ?" began Peter.
"I have your sister."
Susan was pulled up from the bottom of the man's boat, tied and gagged. Her eyes widened when she saw Peter (Edmund was in shadow). The man picked her up and dropped her over the side of the boat.
"Susan!" Peter and Edmund yelled.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
Peter clammered into the small boat as Edmund began to get them out to sea. Ten minutes later, they were freezing and hungry when they finally saw the prick of the light of the boat.
"Ed!" Peter pointed to the light. "There!"
Edmund turned the boat so they floated toward the light. It grew bigger and brighter until, quite suddenly, they bumped into the boat.
"Who are you?" said a gruff voice. A light, different from the one on the boat, shone in the boys' eyes.
"I am Peter!" said Peter. "High King of Narnia!"
The figure froze, then chuckled. "Well, isn't this just my lucky day! Two of Narnia's beloved Royals...!"
"What - ?" began Peter.
"I have your sister."
Susan was pulled up from the bottom of the man's boat, tied and gagged. Her eyes widened when she saw Peter (Edmund was in shadow). The man picked her up and dropped her over the side of the boat.
"Susan!" Peter and Edmund yelled.

Aaaah!! Write more! It's great!