I never thought about Susan maybe getting back into Narnia..thats neat!
So a few questions:
Why does Eustace tell Tirian that they had been there more than a year ago rather than specifying that it had been about 5 years?
Why are they always being described as children? In the tower the night that they rescued Tirian, it is described that Jill and Eustace had been put to bed earlier due to their age. If they were 16, Tirian would not have done so seeing as how they would have been old enough in Narnian years and the King, being no more than 25.
As for the school comment, they went to a different school. It might have let out for holidays (summer) at a later time than Lucy's school.
Why did illistrator Pauline Baynes make Jill and Eustace so young in the book?
Ahh, the power of books. They can take two separate readers to the same land and they see the events in two separate ways.
It works better for me for the kids to be the ages I imagine them as. Everyone also disagrees with me on how old they are in H&HB.
Curious, was there a real train crash in 1949 that this crash was based on?
As far as I know there was no serious train crash in 1949, but there was a very serious one in the early 50's that may have been the basis for the one in TLB
You were close in the ages you posted earlier, but Peter was only 13 in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Then Susan was 12, Edmund 10, and Lucy 8. Their reign did last about 15 years. When the Pevensies went back in Prince Caspian, Peter was 14, Susan 13, Edmund 11, and Lucy 9. Jill and Eustace were both a year younger than Lucy so when they all died (which I find even sadder because Susan loses everyone that she has ever loved in one day) Peter was 21, Edmund was 18, Lucy 17, and Jill and Eustace were only 16. They were all so young when they died. It is sad, but at least they all made it to Aslan's country except Susan of course.
LT, you are the closest in my view on how old the children are in the books. They were quite young, but we tend to see them as older, because the Narnian air is said to make you older if you are young and youger if you are old.