josh scrabbled in her bag tryiong to find something but he couldnt find anyhting. at last he saw her mobile phone and took it out, put it into his pocket and ran out the door. by now smoke had engulfed all around the school and he found it hard to breathe
ashley was still inside trying t find a window to jump out of for the doors were covered in flames. he turned around and found a little girl sitting on the florr crying....
natasha then noticed that ashley was missing from the class and began to worry she then reached for her sidekick 3 (mobile phone) and relised that she left it in her backpack 'good thing theres nothing on my cell phone that would blow my cover' natasha thought to herself
ashley opened his arms and put the girl on the ground a teahcer ran opver to them"what the hell do you think you wered oing?!" she asked furiously
"trying to stop myself from burning" he replied