Alex Rider RPG

he nodded"this is so like cia just to ring out of the blue and not even ask how we are. they probabaly knew that we were attacked and didnt call for help" he said angrily
he nodded"this is so like cia just to ring out of the blue and not even ask how we are. they probabaly knew that we were attacked and didnt call for help" he said angrily

"i know what you mean. they are so inscensitive. dose he want both of us? and were do we have to go?" she asked while makeing cheese and cucumber sandwages. "what drink do you want?"
"vodka"he said sarcastically
"water will be fine"
"somwhere in *cant remember* place, to find sabina pleasure"
"he didnt say who he wanted"

"my pairents are strict. no alcahole in the house. sorry." she fills up two bottles. "well thats helpfull" she says sarkastically. "well we can both go then."
he picks it up, his palms are sweaty"its hot, very hot" he trys to open it but it does not budge"you try" he gives it to her and watches.

"ouch" she trys. gets some scissors and cuts of the first layer. puts it down on the side and goes and gets a hand towle. "you open it. i dont like the feeling of this"
ooc: hmm let me see....
ic: it was a key, a dull grey key, very ugly and old
he looks at her"is that it?"
there was a piece of paper inside also.
he took his phone out and replyed using two letters O and K
his palms were sweaty, he was still thinking about a plan
Sabina read the message, then sat on her bed, heart pounding a violent tattoo against her chest. She began to feel sick. What if this didn't work? She wrapped her arms around her stomach and rocked back and forth, waiting...waiting...waiting...
ooc: hmm let me see....
ic: it was a key, a dull grey key, very ugly and old
he looks at her"is that it?"
there was a piece of paper inside also.

"wow this key is hevey" "the paper says that it will open a safe house. hay its from my dad. what?! erm there's directsions look..."
he looks,"where is this house, we have to go and get sabina" he said

alex had suited himself up, he had tried this once and it had worked although it might have just been luck or the wind playing on his side. he tried to remeber the instructions that he had been given from Toms brother.
he did as he was told and went to open the door when the envelope exploded, he ducked and grabbed samantha to the floor.
"whoa" he said getting up

alex looked down, it was very high and his nerves began to kick in, he took a deep breath'you can do this' he told himself but it wasnt helping. it was now or never. he took and step back and with his right foot, his strongest foot, he pushed himself off the roof of the sky scraper.