Alex Rider RPG

tottyfruitty said:
ooc: lmfo it is as if QSON is writing a totally different story lol

ic: alex let out a slight laugh"no thanx" he told the dinner lady and picked up a bottle of water and a fruit. 2you better get used to it" he said to natasha as he payed at the till

ooc: yeahh...:) But don't worry, they'll meet soon!
"i guess ill try it" natasha said picking up a small amount with her fork and bringing to to her lips onnce the fork left her mouth a disgusted look spread across her face and she took a napking and brought it to her mouth and folded up the napkin besides her tray
Coolio! :D I want to be a made-up, but I figure that Natasha's actually gonna end up falling for Alex, so....what role could my charater play?! Any ideas, people?
alex laughed" i didnt think that you would actually do it" he carried on laughing and handed her his drink "i htink you need this more than i do"
I KNOW! Could I be someone trying to STOP Natasha and protect Alex?? I could be snt by Alan Blunt or something, though I don't see why he couldn't just TELL Alex then lol
Okay, here it is:
Alan Blunt has been tipped off by an anonymous source that Alex is being watched by someone constantly in school and they're going to kill him, so he sends his niece (does he even HAVE a family?!) to find the source and take them down.
When she asks why he can't just tell Alex himself, he says he has his reasons and refuses to tell her. His motive is obviously to see how the girl copes in the mission, and to find a partner for Alex. Whaddya think??
Princey said:
I KNOW! Could I be someone trying to STOP Natasha and protect Alex?? I could be snt by Alan Blunt or something, though I don't see why he couldn't just TELL Alex then lol
ooc: but then the rpg would be totally boring if the bad guys plot got foiled when it hardly got started

ic: "thanks" natasha said to alex taking the drink