An Uncanny Romance -By Sir Godfrey

Sir Godfrey

Pelegrin Crucis
Long ago, during the Third Age of Middle Earth, when darkness crept back into the world, a peculiar incident took place. While the Dark Lord summoned his strength and assembled his armies, while the King of Gondor still spent his time galavanting in the Wild, when all was still quiet and the threat of doom not yet realized, a romance was born.

Brimbor was like any other Took, fool hardy and adventurious. He spent most of his days in the wooland, near the Crickhallow. There he would sit beneath the trees and dream of what lay beyond the eastern hills, what wonders might lie in the other parts of the world. Brimbor was captivated by the tales of ancient days, when noble Kings rode abroad and great battles were fought. But most of all he loved the tales about the elves. In fact he tried to learn as much as he could about them. Often he visited Bilbo Baggins, who was bonefied story teller and one who had spent extensive time in the presence of the elves.

When Bilbo had time to spare, he would tell Brimbor of his adventures, of Mirkwood and of Rivendell and The Lord Elrond the Half Elven. Brimbor found himself transported to another world, another place as he listened to Bilbo's stories, he longed to see such places and most of all he desired to dwell amongst the elves. When Brimbor had come of age, when he had turned Fifty-two, he did something rather reckless or so it seemed to his neighbors. Brimbor had sold his Hobbit hole to a Mr. Dolger Bolger.

Armed with only a walking stick, a purse and a pack Brimbor sat out to leave the Shire. Talk began to stir about Hobbiton, many Hobbits began to blame Mr. Bilbo for Brimbor's queer behavior, "It's that Bilbo alright, he fills young lads with wild stories, makes them long for queer dwellings."

Before Brimbor left the Shire he payed Bilbo a visit. When he arrived at the doorstep he found Bilbo's heir and adopted son Frodo.

Frodo: Hello Brimbor, good morning.

Brimbor: Good morning Frodo, is your uncle home?

Frodo: Yes he is, I believe he's in the study.

Frodo opened the yellow round door and led Brimbor inside. There Brimbor sa familar sight of trinkets, heirlooms and tokens from Bilbo's adventures. Upon entering the study he found Bilbo sitting in chair, in front of him was a red book opened to blank page. Bilbo held a quill in his hand and was deep in thought. All about the oak table was papers and maps strewn about.

Frodo: Bilbo.. Bilbo!

Bilbo stirred and gave Frodo a less than kind look.

Bilbo: My lad, you know better than to disturb me when I'm deep in thought.

Frodo: Sorry uncle, but we have guest.

Bilbo: Oh..

Bilbo turned to see Brimbor, the sight brought back memories. The pack latched to his back, the purse securely fastened to his belt and the walking stick held aloft in his hand. He looked as Bilbo did many years ago, when a queer incident took place and Bilbo found himself on an uncanny adventure.

Bilbo: How can I help you my boy?

Brimbor: Well, I was wondering if I may barrow one of your maps? You see I'm leaving the Shire, I intend to find the abode of the Elves in Rivendell.

Bilbo: You don't say? Well bust my boffer, I never thought I would see the day when a Took would fallow in my footsteps.

Bilbo stood up and began rummaging through his papers.

Frodo looked at Brimbor with perplexed expression.

Frodo: You really mean to leave the Shire?

Brimbor: Aye.

Frodo just looked puzzeled, he understood why Brimbor was leaving, but in his heart Frodo was still too in love with the Shire to even consider leaving.

Bilbo: Ah ha! Here it is..

Bilbo pulled out an old tattered map and rolled it out on the table. He sureveyed it and began to nod and mumble to himself.

Bilbo: Yes.. this is the one.

Bilbo began to point at locations on the map, recalling some of his experiances. Finally Bilbo then rolled up the map and handed it to Brimbor.

At the door Bilbo and Frodo wished Brimbor fairwell.

Bilbo: Best of luck to you.

Brimbor: Thank you.

Bilbo: You be sure to tell Elrond a fond hello for me, also inform him that my elven hundred birthday is approaching.

Brimbor: Will do.

With that Brimbor said fair well and began his journey. He made his way across Hobbiton with ease, he recieved a few ill stares from people, but he merely met their gaze with a smile. Finally he came to border, there with deep breath he made his way into the woodland country.
Elowen The Fair

Within the white wood of Lorien dwelt a elf maiden true and fair. Her name was Elowen and she spent her days beneath the Mallorn trees singing a joyful tune. One day Elowen was summoned by the Lady Galadriel on an errand of great importance. Elowen ascended the spiral white stair case to Galadriel's throne. There she was met by Celeborn and her ladyship. Celeborn's face was grime, something deeply troubled him. Galadriel as always looked radiant, her golden hair cascading down her face like water falls, and her bright sapphire eyes piercing like sun in the sky.

Galadriel bid Elowen come closer, Elowen took note that there were no other elves near. It was just the three of them, a private audiance. When Elowen was but three paces from Galadriel, she stopped.

Galadriel: The time grows near, the depature of the Elves is neigh at hand, soon we shall sail beyond the western shores into the Undying Lands.

There was silence.

Galadriel: But alas the Fate of Middle Earth lies on the edge of a knife, it is true that a darkness rises in the east, soon the Nameless Fear shall make war upon the Free Peoples. We must decide if we shall stay and fight or leave this battle to the Hildor, to Sons of Men.

Celeborn seemed uneasy, he refrained from speaking and allowed Galadriel to carry on.

Galadriel: Now, I have summoned you to take a message to Elrond. I want you to tell him that our greatest fear has been realized, that He.. has returned.

Elowen looked perplexed, thus she asked.

Elowen: Whom has returned? My Lady?

Galadriel's eyes appeared to sparkle and flare, she drew closer to Elowen and spoke in her ear. Elowen's face grew pale and her countence grave.

Galadriel: Now be swift, for the hour grows late and soon the Enemy shall besiege the mighty fortresses of Men.

Elowen promptly dismissed herself and made her way to the stables. There as she saddled her mare she could see through the trees a dark cloud amass. At the sight of it, her heart sank. For though she knew one day peril would come, she had hoped it would be in another age. Swiftly Elowen mounted her steed and fled from Lorien towards the Mountains of Khazadum. She had been instructed not take the swiftest route, The Gap of Rohan.
Why didn't youtell me you where this good at writing!!!!:eek: I have never read LOTR but I understand it perfectly. It is so good. write on!:D
Brimbor stood upon a dirt covered road, surrounding him was a thicket of trees bending to make the road look like tunnel. The sun was setting and Brimbor was trying his best to read Bilbo's Map. Bilbo had made great illastrations but poor markers for miles, Brimbor hadn't the fainest idea of how long the journey to The Barrow Downs or Bree was. So instead of trying to estimate, he pitched a camp in a small alcove in the thicket.

There he started a fire and began cooking an old recipe. Sitting beneath a blanket of stars Brimbor began to whistle a tune. It was one he had heard his father sing when he was child. One that often comforted him when he felt lonely. After a descent enough meal and a long day of treking Brimbor fell fast asleep.

That night Brimbor was startled by a howl. He sat up and began looking to and fro. He remembered when the Wolves from North had invaded the Shire, he was but boy at the time and it had terrfied him. Brimbor quickly grabbed his stick and began surverying the darkness. He could see in distance, two figures watching him. Brimbor stood to his feet, ready to chase them away should they come nearer. But alas they did not and after trying to keep his eyes open, Brimbor drifted off once again.

Brimbor had queer dream, he dreamt of beasts, strange dwellings and image of a being he didn't recognize. All he could tell was that this figure was female and that he believed her to be an elf.

The next morning Brimbor sat out with new found strength and zeal. He finally came to a fork in the road. He desperately tried to find sign that might indicate which direction he should go. Taking another glance at Bilbo's Map, he decided to take the road to the right. After taking a few paces, he took another look and returned to the fork in the road. This time he took the road to the left. The trek was rather dull, the same scenery, the same trees and soil. At last Brimbor stopped, he took a few breaths and then took another look at the map.

He couldn't pin point any landmarks, everything looked the same and none of it was on Bilbo's Map. Brimbor shook his head, maybe he had made a mistake. Maybe he should have stayed in the Shire afterall. As Brimbor began to sigh, he felt the ground tremble and the silent air fill with a noise. It sounded like the pitter patter of hooves and it was getting louder with each passing moment. Startled Brimbor dashed into the thicket, the brambles cutting his face. There he watched from behind a Pine tree as the Rider approached his former position.

The Rider was clad in a black cloak, his face was undisguishable due to a black hood. He haulted his steed at the place where Brimbor had stood. The Horse snorted and began to neigh. The Rider turned his head back and forth, searching, scanning the thicket. For a moment it seemed that the Rider had spotted him, for his gaze lingered upon his position. Brimbor foudn himself suddenly petrafied. Then without any notice the Rider took the reins and galloped off towards the Shire. After taking a deep breath and wait for the Rider to be a safe distance away, Brimbor returned to the road. Curious he looked back towards the road from whence he had come, the Took in him grew curious, who was this Black Rider and why was he heading for the Shire?
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