An Uncanny Romance -By Sir Godfrey

Many a tale hath I spun upon my digital yarn and yet finished not one hath I. Actually I recant, I hath finished a few screen plays. :)

I hath started many a novel. And yet, each time I find there is something I do not like and I give it up. I have started writing one that I call "Saratopia". Tis a land where a girl lives and goes on many adventures with the Army. She is not to fight in the battles however. I find the story all to un-original. I know there is one great work in me...I sometimes wonder how long twill take me to bring it forth. I shall wait upon the Lord. I desire my writing to glorify Him.
I try not to write too much romance...I can not be trusted. I fear that I will take it and do nothing but write about the love story. I do enjoy writing that kind of thing. I do have a very short story, only a few paragraphs, that is somewhat of a tragic romance. I cried while I wrote it. ;) I have never shown it to anyone, but perhaps I will post it on my thread with my writing.