
Parthian King said:
This is just hilarious to me: A thread calling together anarchists. A real anarchist would have no use for a forum like this because it is too restrictive, and wouldn't be able to care any less about the opinions of others.

JK, you bluster a lot, but you're too nice a guy (come on, we've all seen it) to be an anarchist. I don't buy that antichrist stuff either. Jesus is way more radical than anything else you've seen, so you ought to just give it up for Him, eh?
The Antichrist thing? Lyrics of a good song, my friend, and that's all it is. And I've forgotten how anarchy would work and the exact definition so....I'll have to agree with you, anarchy sucks. But I've got a T-shirt with the sign on, so it's too late to back out now....

And you're all talking about God and stuff....I'm not a christian, that stuff won't make me think. And what does 'bluster' mean? I've never heard that word before.
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Jimmy Kickarse said:
I'll have to agree with you, anarchy sucks. But I've got a T-shirt with the sign on, so it's too late to back out now....
Whoa, a T-shirt! Well, I guess that seals your fate... :D

Jimmy Kickarse said:
And what does 'bluster' mean? I've never heard that word before.
In this context, "bluster" would mean "making a lot of noise and putting on a big act without meaning it."

Keep in mind, JK, that PK takes words very seriously (as do I). If you say something like, "I'm an anarchist" - well, he knows what that means, even if you don't. I think part of his response was to encourage you not to use words you don't fully understand.

Oddly, the closest thing we've had to true anarchists around Dancing Lawn were the Duffers, and I seem to remember you getting a little hacked off at them. Maybe they'll come back if we ask, if only to give us a taste of anarchy. Chief? You listening?
PrinceOfTheWest said:
Whoa, a T-shirt! Well, I guess that seals your fate... :D
Sure does.
In this context, "bluster" would mean "making a lot of noise and putting on a big act without meaning it."
Am I making a lot of noise....and putting on a big act....without meaning to...?
Chief? You listening?
Don't encourage him :rolleyes:

Anarchy is the true nature of all things. Monarchy, democracy, communism, all useless forms to control the human mind. But a mind cannot be controled. It cannot be restrained. It has no boundaries. It has its will. Anarchy is the true nature of all things...

- Alex Battig

And no, I don't know why I said that :rolleyes:
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Anarchy is not self-perpetuating. People can't live with LITERALLY NO rules or standards. There may be a condition in which NO MORALS are upheld, but self-preservation will eventually drive people to form SOME kind of cooperating groups.

There was anarchy, BRIEFLY, at the start of the French Revolution. By the nature of things, this could not and did not last long. It was followed in short order by the Committee of Public Safety, and then by the crowning of Napoleon.