And the role of 'Aro' goes to ... BEN BARNES?!

Oh..My God. you nearly gave me a heart attack! I thought he got the part!
Man..this discussion was already going on in the benonites and new moon thread no?:)
You know I can't believe I never thought of it but he is good for the role even though I pictured Aro being older.
He has the face, and definetely definetely has the hair!:eek:
Just remember though, before you flip out and tell everyone you know, HE HASN'T GOT IT YET! :p He's just GOING for the role. He hasn't actually been cast.
I don't know if I can handle both a Harry Potter and a Narnia actor jumping on the Twilight bandwagon!!!


I think I feel ill, now....

Please tell me this is all a joke...

(of course, I already can't stomach the idea of Caspian being Dorian Gray!! Dorian is such a DESPICABLE character, and Ben is playing him??!? I suppose it will help stretch his acting chops and all, but geez. However, Ben does look awesome in his Dorian clothes. :rolleyes: )
'Tis true, folks. Our very own Prince Caspian is supposedly "campaigning for the role of Aro, a mind-reading vampire whose “New Moon” encounter with Edward and Bella helps shape their destiny together."

Aro is ... well, a mind reading vampire in the 'Twilight' series, as it says above.

There's the link, if you dare. :eek:

As long as it won`t affect his role as Caspian, good for him.
*jaw drops* O.O Well...I'm not a huge fan of the series, but I did read them and I always pictured Aro being a bit more. For some reason I always thought he'd be bigger....more muscular or maybe just huskier. I dunno, Ben looks too nice and innocent to be Aro. I can't see it.
wownarnia: Thank you, I like my banner too. :)

Protagonist: Funny, but I'm not a fangirl.

Lady Of The Lion's Mane: I know, right?

And actually, it might interfere with his Caspian role, so he might not get it for that.


EH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :eek::confused:

Ben Barnes as.... as.... as ARO!?

I mean, I have 0 protest against our PC indulging his Vampire side but.... but.... ARO?

I don't know....

I can't...

... see it.

I mean He-

I mean-


Hmm, I can see it, but I dunno if I'd want him to get the part, just because he'd turn into Robert Pattinson, basically - the world-wide obsesse, you know? I mean, I'm not against him getting the part, and I don't want him NOT to, but I think it'd just turn him into RP.