Animated LWW - what you think?


New member
I'm new here, but I see that is no topic like that, so I will start^^

Who saw animated "Lion, Witch&Wardrobe" from 1979 ? When I saw some pictures from film I was sure that it'll be disaster, but it's no so bad, however sometimes made me laugh. For example this wooden dubbing or Faun who was completly strange :confused: And what you think?

P.S. Sorry for my english :eek:
The resurrection scene from the animated film is more joyous and wonderful than in any other I've seen.

They couldn't do it in BBC's version using props, and they WOULDN'T do it in the Walden Media film. But when Aslan comes back to that rush of triumphant music and he runs about the meadow with the flowers springing where he stepped...I cry. Pure and simple.
No the animated version wasn't the best film I had ever seen either, but it was Narnia and it was better, in my opinion, than the BBC version. Yet I did enjoy BBC's Prince Caspian and Voyage of the Dawn Treader very much.