Animated movie images.


New member
Can anyone tell me where I can find images or screencaps of the Animated movie?

BTW, if you don't know, there is no need to tell me that ;)
There is a site out there that already does this. As someone that has the special edition on DVD, I could probably do some really premium grabs if you have one or two must-haves in mind. The URL is in my favorites at home, unavailable at the moment. PM me.

The animated Narnia is actually my fave out of them all for a lot of different reasons, but i still love the newest version. I'd love to find some screencaps from the animated sometime:) Im actually watching the animated right now:)
I watched animated one and those pictures start from the beginning, but... Chronologically or from the beginning? Lucy goes out just after the title plays and then only is a flashback showing her. Those pictures begin with action, but the title's much later, before the flashback. I know it's confusing but doesn't it let us to wonder if Lucy says the truth? :confused:
You mean like this

oops that is from Super Chicken

No that's South Park

Isn't much difference.
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I do like the design of that South Park Aslan! :D Before I saw it was from that show I was thinking it had a nice, cut out style to it.