Animated Version Of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Lucy Fan

New member
I found this on DVD at Walmart for $5 randomly. I was so excited. I had the video of this version for so long and I was happy to have a copy that will last longer. I read on about a special edition that came out November 14th, but I didn't see anything in stores. I didn't know if it was a UK exclusive DVD. I would like that special edition if I can find it.

I want to find the soundtrack for this movie. I've seen it on at a very cheap price. Anyone else still enjoy watching this version? I know there are two versions, a US version with American voice acting and a UK version with British voice acting or accents I should say. I would like to hear the UK voice acting. The UK version has been taken down from youtube many times. Is there another place where I can see it online?

Honda Odyssey FL250
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I love this film and it was my first exposure to Narnia. Like a first kiss, it's special.

With that said, no other film handles the resurrection of Aslan so reverently. Oh dear Lord but I have wept openly over it!

I have the soundtrack and I can look up how you can order it.
Like EveningStar, the animated version was my introduction to Narnia. I read the books after seeing it. It is the one DVD I need to get for my collection.
It was also my first introduction to Narnia, but with the American version even, it sounded like the kids were saying Nonya instead of Narnia. :p So I grew up believing it was Nonya, until I saw the correct spelling. :D
tiny tits Cams
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I love this film and it was my first exposure to Narnia. Like a first kiss, it's special.

With that said, no other film handles the resurrection of Aslan so reverently. Oh dear Lord but I have wept openly over it!

I have the soundtrack and I can look up how you can order it.

I have also been in tears, especially after Aslan is ressurected and he's sort of playing with the girls and making flowers grow where he lands after jumping. I think that's my favorite part.
Windsor transmission
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This was my first expirence in Narnia too. And its special to me because of it. Its almost word for word, but Aslan gives the children their gifts instead of Father Christmas if memory serves me right.

I think the Witch Is hillarious, especially when she is forcing Edmund and Ginnabrik to walk when the snow melts. "FASTER!! FASTER YOU FOOLS!! FFFFAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!"" And she was walking slower than them.

Or "And you will all be killed! KKKKIIIILLLLLEEEEDDDDD!!!!"
The animated LWW was also my first exposure to Narnia and it was love at first sight. I read all the books soon after. And I agree with EveningStar the death and resurrection of Aslan was more moving than in the movie and brought me to tears as well. I liked the soundtrack too. From what I remember this was broadcast yearly like the Wizard of Oz used to be. If I wanted to introduce someone to Narnia and for some reason they didn't want to read the book I would definitely show them the animated movie first.

I have this on VHS which may as well be an 8-track so I need to pick the DVD up.
Anyone that was at LionCon could tell you, based on the Admin Panel that we did: This was my introduction to Narnia as well.

Though, because Mr. Tumnus is RED skinned in this, I distinctly remember wondering why Lucy was so trusting of the devil. And when he betrayed her, I thought: see? I never knew what a faun was, and thought it might be a word for "devil" at the time.

If I am not mistaken, John, didn't you send me some variation of the soundtrack at one point? I seem to have misplaced it since then.
Specter -- is this what you were thinking of?

That music from that particular scene is what I am used to hearing. I love it so much. Perhaps with the UK version and the US version the music was different? I know each of the two versions had an American accent for US and an English accent for UK with the voices of the children. Although, in the US version I do hear some English accents every now and then and sometimes I hear what sounds like American actors trying to protray and English accent. It sounds funny.
Weed vaporizers
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... sometimes I hear what sounds like American actors trying to protray and English accent. It sounds funny.

It just so happens I have a copy of LWW on DVD with the original UK voices coming to my house. Importing it from ye olde countrie, dont'cha know! Total cost is not the problem, it's only L 5.67, but for most of you the format would put it off limits, because it's a Region 2 disk in PAL colour, meaning even if your DVD player didn't spit it out as non-permitted, it would choke on the signal.

Just so happens I have both of those problems licked and I plan to wed the UK soundtrack to an NTSC copy and watch it in the original.

Alrighty dighty, so why isn't this done commonly?? First off, let me reiterate that I am a legal owner of BOTH copies and am only watching sound from one and picture from the other, so this is not illegal.

HOWEVER, PAL is broadcast at 24 frames per second whilst NTSC is broadcast at 30. Which means (ICK!!!) that the NTSC version is a bit SLOWER, repeating every fourth frame. And that means you can't just slap a UK track on a US film. So I'm going to have to do a careful mathematical recalc of the sound to stretch without changing the frequency. And that, dear friends, is not for the faint of heart. Not a bit!

What I'll probably end up doing for "the rest of us" is putting a few comparisons up on my website of key lines. Particularly interesting to most of you is that Leo Kern does the Professor. You may know Leo as either Rumpole of the Old Bailey or the monk from Ladyhawke.

Expect results by the middle of January. I hope. But eventually, certainly.
It just so happens I have a copy of LWW on DVD with the original UK voices coming to my house. Importing it from ye olde countrie, dont'cha know! Total cost is not the problem, it's only L 5.67, but for most of you the format would put it off limits, because it's a Region 2 disk in PAL colour, meaning even if your DVD player didn't spit it out as non-permitted, it would choke on the signal.

Just so happens I have both of those problems licked and I plan to wed the UK soundtrack to an NTSC copy and watch it in the original.

Alrighty dighty, so why isn't this done commonly?? First off, let me reiterate that I am a legal owner of BOTH copies and am only watching sound from one and picture from the other, so this is not illegal.

HOWEVER, PAL is broadcast at 24 frames per second whilst NTSC is broadcast at 30. Which means (ICK!!!) that the NTSC version is a bit SLOWER, repeating every fourth frame. And that means you can't just slap a UK track on a US film. So I'm going to have to do a careful mathematical recalc of the sound to stretch without changing the frequency. And that, dear friends, is not for the faint of heart. Not a bit!

What I'll probably end up doing for "the rest of us" is putting a few comparisons up on my website of key lines. Particularly interesting to most of you is that Leo Kern does the Professor. You may know Leo as either Rumpole of the Old Bailey or the monk from Ladyhawke.

Expect results by the middle of January. I hope. But eventually, certainly.

Wow, that's nice of you. It'll be interesting to see a comparison since the US version is the only version I have known.
Coach purses
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