Animated Version Of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

What movie is that?

Wow, I feel old lol. That movie is Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves circa 1990 or thereabouts. Kevin Costner played the title role and his fake english accent was so bad he gave up on it 10 minutes into the movie and just spoke American the rest of the way.
Whee, my UK Animated LWW arrived today on Region 2 DVD, and I'm already 3/4 through the process of "cracking" it to view on a regionless player.

It has all the original British voices, and doesn't have the mention of World War 2 deleted. And yes, I will be posting comparison clips on as soon as I can. Whoo-HOO! :p
Whee, my UK Animated LWW arrived today on Region 2 DVD, and I'm already 3/4 through the process of "cracking" it to view on a regionless player.

It has all the original British voices, and doesn't have the mention of World War 2 deleted. And yes, I will be posting comparison clips on as soon as I can. Whoo-HOO! :p

I can't wait to see the british clips. :)
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My first experience was reading the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, then watching the BBC interpretation, then reading the rest of the books... I haven't seen the animated yet. These posts make it sound like it's worth seeking out.
I'll get them posted soon. Oh, and that name "Laura Lea" really rolls prettily off the tongue.
I'll get them posted soon. Oh, and that name "Laura Lee" really rolls prettily off the tongue.

Thanks, I thought about coming up with a Narnian screen name, but then figured there are so many of those already here that I'd be quite forgettable, best to be just me (makes it easier for me to remember too!). I look forward to seeing the clips. I suppose I should make an effort to watch the film before seeing the comparisons?
Personally I like the LWW animation a lot better than the LotR one . . . but they both have their problems. Just different. I don't know what you'd think of it. It's a much cleaner and simpler style than the LotR though, and I think that suits the story.
It's much better than the animated version of The Lord of the Rings. Me and some childhood friends of mine were watching the animated version of The Lord of the Rings and we laughed our heads off at it. It was just too darn funny.
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I am so renting this! I never have seen the Animated version of Narnia so I therefore must whatch it because it is well Narnia and sounds AWSOMATIC:D!!!!!! Personaly my first intro to Narnia was when disney and walden media put out The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe when I was younger. I of course fell in love with it own both movies and may be bying more versions soon...

Be aware of the circumstances. It is all important to realize that the film project, when announced, was due to be completed in a few months. While trying to do a good film, Melendez realized that without looping, cel keepers and shortcuts he would never get it done in time and get paid. So he did what he had to do. It was amazing what they did in the time they had. I can only imagine what brutish work Hanna/Barbara studios would have done in that short time or (shudders) UPA or Halas and Bachelor.
I always thought it was funny that they got some kind of award for the animation . . . not that I hate it, but I thought it mediocre at best from a non-sentimental standpoint.
The animation can't compare to the Lord of the Rings which used that rotoscoping technique which at the time was cutting edge - the 70's version of CGI.

The animation in LWW is bare bones and I'm afraid it would drive off anyone watching it for the first time. But the movie is truer to the book and was my first exposure to Narnia and Lewis' works so it will always rank #1 with me.

When the children first come upon Aslan in the meadow as he's sitting in front of the pavilion, His tail is flicking like any big cat's would. I don't know why that's of any significance but it always stuck with me.