Animated Version Of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

I saw this some time back on PBS. And although the animation was a bit cheap and stiff, it was still quite successful as an adaptation, I believe. In fact, overall, I think it's more successful than the live-action movie. Lucy's trip from London to Narnia through the wardrobe was better done, and when Aslan returned from the was so moving. He plays tag with the girls, just like in the book, and everywhere he steps, flowers bloom. It brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw it.

Makes me wonder if a fully-animated (not CGI, but old-fashioned 2D) film wouldn't have been the best venue after all. Think of Mufasa from the Lion King...he always did remind me a bit of Aslan...
love that scene

I love that scene too. It is the best of the resurrection scenes so far, with the romp and the flowers instantly blooming and all.
my hearing's gone to the beavers ( :D ) so I had a hard time picking up all but the obvious differences. I don't think I would have noticed it if you had not put it here.
I remember watching this when I was little... many good memories:) I like the resurrection scene too. It was the best part of the movie. I watched this version again not to long ago and now for some reason the witch reminds me of Cruella deVil on 101 Dalmations lol maybe it's just the way she's calm one minute and yelling the next
worth watching

There's an animated version of LWW? Never knew lol.

Welcome, Caspian Girl, to the Dancing Lawn! The animated version came out long long ago, (1970s I think), so no wonder you haven't heard of it. But if you ever have a chance to come across a copy in a library, it is really worth watching. I like it much better than the BBC's Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. And I think it follows the original book more closely than the Walden Media Version although the vision of the most recent Narnia is stunning.
It does not shy away from the religious elements at all. Perhaps it is more fearless about portraying the spirituality in the story because a church group commissioned it.
I hadn't a pleasure to watch it until I found it on Youtube (I think even if it would come to Poland, communism would destroy ability to watch it). I was in shock because I haven't seen cute intro until I found a video in which this part wasn't thought as unnecesary. The trees near the road were like a painting and that music worked fine with the secret message hidden in it. Dramatical things happened. Pevensies were separated from their family. And, when I moved my face closer, I found "STATION" written on the building. I only don't know why watching it in various vids the sun had another colour! :p Really! One time even I was watching it from my mum's laptop and there was no difference but at mine there was. :confused: