another harry potter rpg but its different

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another harry potter rpg

ok heres another harry potter rpg but its different

*Stella Starbright/Ravenclaw/4th year - Stella is a very talented and powerful witch and the daughter of Rodger Starbright a uber famous wizard known for his wonderful wizarding powers.stella is the most popular and beautiful girl in hogwarts where most of the guys have a crush on her. shes the star chaser and captain for the Ravenclaw quidditch team.she has a fluffy saiamese cat named Mindy.stella has striking almond shaped light blue eyes with long eye lashes and tan skin and a small cute button nose and full lips and gourgous long light brown wavy hair with side swept bangs

*Harry Potter/Griffindor/3rd

*Ron Weasley/griffindor/3rd - ron perposly has a crush on stella to make hermonie jealous

*Hermonie Granger/griffindor/3rd - dislikes stella because she thinks that ron has a crush on her

*Draco Malfoy/slythern/3rd-has a huge crush on stella and and is upset because he thinks that ron likes stella he also dislikes Bradley hamilton for the same reason

*Luna Lovegood/ravenclaw/2nd

*Gretchen Woods/slythern/4th
Gretchen is totally one of the most mean girls you could meet shes not that great of a witch but her attitude is seriously mean. Gretchen has medium length black straight hair usually in two braids with her bangs in her face. big green eyes an a few freckles shes thin with fair complextion

*Bradley Hamilton/Ravenclaw/4th- bradley is the keeper for the Ravenclaw team and has a crush on Stella. he has blonde hair and green eyes and tall

*George and Fred Weasley/Griffindor/5th

*Cho Chang/ Ravenclaw/4th - Stellas best friend and has a crush on harry

*Rose Silvan/ Ravenclaw/ 3rd year- Rose is friends with almost everyone, except Draco Malfoy. She has a major crush on him, and is pretty obvious about it. She is an okay witch, but she had problems with Transfigurations. She is best at Charms Rose has dark chesnut hair reaching to her lower back. Her skin is a creamy pale and her eyes are a dark chocolate brown.

*= Taken


Stella Starbright - me
Gretchen Woods/Luna Lovegood - Dreaming in Colors
Bradley Hamilton/Hermione Granger - SpareOomian
Rose Silvan- xMusicxObsessionx
Fred and George Weasley/Ron Weasley - GeNtLe SuSaN
Harry Potter - Janny150
Draco Malfoy - Pollywannabe
Cho Chang - Your Sister Lila
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um i didnt really want people to make their own characters but if all the spots are filled ill make some more characters
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