another harry potter rpg but its different

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She nod.
" Kind of yes I seen her aroud with that buck teeth boy alot," she said stoping were she was looking at Him with an eye brow up.
Draco walked out onto the field and glanced at the stands. He wasn't nervous, he knew they could beat Ravenclaw. Who couldn't? Well...Hufflepuff...but that's a different story.

ooc: lest just start! lol
ooc:Sounds good.

Bradley got onto the field. He was excited, he loved this game. He was confident Ravenclaw would win.

Hermione sat down in the stands by her friends.
Greten smiled.
" I do hope my time win," she said with a smirk on her face.

Luna stand by Breadly with her hands in a ball.
Bradley looked at Draco. "I was just about to ask you the same thing. I hope you didn't make any bets Draco, you'd lose a lot of money."
Gretchen nod.
" I well be sad if you win Bread," she said with a wink,
she trun to Draco with smiled at him.

Luna was still by Bread but not saying anything to them at that time.
Bradley hovered in front of the hoops and waited for the game to start.

ooc:This may sound stupid, but keeper is like goalie right? They guard the hoops?
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