another harry potter rpg but its different

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Bradley brought Gretchen up to her room. He set her down on her bed, and covered her with a blanket. Then he turned and quietly left. He hurried out before anyone could catch him.
Gretchen was fast asleep thinking about what if Stella saw him carring her up to her room.

main while Luna was out side were Brad and Gretchen was before they left.
She look at him odd.
" what oh yea we still not," she said pulling her blond hair out of her eyes.

Main while

Gretchen woke up and walk out to find the others.
" I do hope Draco grows up one day," she said to herself when she saw Luna with Brad.
She smiled at him.
" why is she here," she ask looking at Luna.

Luna frown at her.
" oh I was just talking to him I have to go Brad," she said skipping off.
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