another harry potter rpg but its different

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ooc- okay so far draco has been up to something hes been going to the room of requirements a lot meanwhile gretchen is now going out with bradley driving stella crazy so she asked draco to go with her to go to hogsmeade and stella keeps telling cho to ask harry to go to hogsmeade with her and gretchen was flirting with draco really pissing stella off because she likes bradley whos going out with gretchen and she dousint want bradley to be sad
ooc- okay so far draco has been up to something hes been going to the room of requirements a lot meanwhile gretchen is now going out with bradley driving stella crazy so she asked draco to go with her to go to hogsmeade and stella keeps telling cho to ask harry to go to hogsmeade with her and gretchen was flirting with draco really pissing stella off because she likes bradley whos going out with gretchen and she dousint want bradley to be sad

ooc:Am I the only one who read this and got all brain-twisted? LOL:D

Bradley wriggled his hand free. "You sure are strong." He laughed nervously.
She look up at him oddly.
" oh sorry about that lots of thing running thew my head right now," she said grabbbing his hand again.
"isnt that harry over there" stella said pointing over at the griffindor table "i cant belive gretchen she horrible shes trying to get with draco when shes already with bradley how dare she treat bradley like that" stella thought angrily
Harry was sitting normaly in the Griffindor's table when he noticed Stella pointing at him...he smiled and waved, also glacing around for Cho.
She laugh.
" I know I am," she said handing him some food,
she look around then back to him.
" don't telling anyone that I cook to," she said with a weird giggle.
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