another harry potter rpg but its different

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"I don't know. We'll bump into them sooner or later." Hopefully later. I can't stand Draco. Bradley didn't even notice Gretchen squeezing his hand again.
Bradley looked at her. This question surprised him. "In certain ways, I suppose. You're both slytherin, but you're different. I can acctually stand you." He smiled and winked.
OOC- well stella and draco are on their way to honeydukes so after that they can go to madam puttifoots

stella and draco walked to honeydukes holding hands
stella looked around honeydukes there were bright and colorful candies everywhere there were many students from hogwarts there neville longbottom was eating a lolly pop while talking to two other griffindor boys and a group of hufflepuff girls were talking in a corner and pansy parkinson talking to a few slytherin girls
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