another harry potter rpg but its different

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This was all too much for Bradley to take. First Stella, then Gretchen?! He stepped back, taking his shoulder out from under Gretchen's head. "Are you even listening to yourself? You were on a date with me and you kissed him! I...I need to think for a bit." He turned around and stormed away. If I never see Draco Malfoy again it will be too soon!
Gretchen look at him.
" Brad I don't know want's going on one second I'm fine then when I talk to him Oh man what is going on!," she said walking besaid him.
Bradley stopped her by grabbing on to her arm. "Gretchen, I think we both need to think about what's going on. I just need to be alone for a while." He let go and walked away.
Bradley didn't hear Gretchen. He found a bench and sat down on it. He wasn't sure what to do, or even how he felt. He took out the wand from his pocket, and twidled with it a while. He shook his head. "Magic can't fix everything."
stella looked very angry "i cannot believe gretchen would stoop so low" then she sat up "what if she knows that i like bradley" stella thought
Gretchen was walking trying to find Brad.
" oh what have I done or did I really want to it no no Gretchen get handle yourself now," she said to herself,
when she find him she slowly walk up to him with her head low.
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