Another stay alive

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Sage forced a smile. "ok." She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the side of the van. It wasn't very comfterble but she didn't feel comfterble with putting her head on Nate's shoulder.
Nate felt a little upset that Sage chose the van over his shoulder but now was not the time to be thinking about it. Also when you have a headach the cold of the van was probly better.
Sage moved a little. The side of the van wasn't very comferitble and it just seemed to be making her head hurt worse. She sighed and moved slightly closer to Nate and put her head on his shoulder. It deffanitly was more comfertible.
Nate gave a small smile. She was warm but he was very worried about her. She was showing one of the signes of concussion.
Holly nodded, seeing Joe looking concerned. She was fine. OR, at least as fine as she could be in a hostage situation.
Sage opened her eyes and looked around the van, she felt dizzy. Like she had just been spinning in circuls. "Ugh," she said quietly as she touched her head.
"No gosh I didun't mean to. It's just it happens. Just whatever you do. No matter how tired you get. Don't go to sleep. Just in case" He hugged her tight not caring how wired it was haveing only just met. He felt that they were close as they were in this together.
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