"Mayhaps they shall. I've no idea when or how the original ship bearing the Rangers came to Narnia, but I do know that there was once a Gondorian Foreign Army, Denethor instituted it to add to Gondor's wealth and prestige-probably his own moreso. They sent out a small armada of ships from Pelargir long ago, filled with many valiant men of Numenor descent. Their loved ones crowded round to see them off and wish them fair journey. Alas, that was the last they would see of them. The fleet just...Disapeared. More than likely they ran low on supplies and headed back, possibly being overwhealmed by the Corsairs who roam far and wide the coast lines of Middle-earth. Some were probably lost at sea, encountering treacherous weather and foul waters-astew with sea monsters and sharp rocks lying in wait just a few feet below the peaceful waves. At least one ship survived, I assume, in order to have made it to Narnia, where they mayhaps built a fortress, a town, and married the locals. They then began to recruit natives of Archenland and Narnia when the original garrison dwindled and grew too old. Some of the original Ranger descendants have joined their ranks as well." Sparky said.