Are you Dateless??

I liked being a loner in the loner corner.
but it was quite lonely..meh..
tecmogirl said:
I'm a girl but some girls&boys don't
have a date for the Costume Part-ay that I'm doing(Boys too).They're going desperate.If you are dateless and want a date put your name here.Some I saw that want a date:
TrueNarnian(she might not come to it)
EFC 4ever

Those are just girls i saw that need a date.

If you need a date post here.If you want to take someone that needs a date
PM them.

I'm a boy. I need a date! I'm only fourteen, but I think I'm old enough! Anybody out there?
Im 13! but sadly, too weird for any1 to like me :) ill make up my date........hmm...i should go wif Faramir!! yeah! I love that guy......more dots.....yay!!....
Wow... this is like a match maker thread.

I don't have a date either...