Aslan's How II


New member
Aslan's How was a concept concieved when we first started out RPGing.

The How serves as a meeting place and campsite for all your RPG characters - here you can trade stories, sing songs or just talk with your various RPG friends in character - and get a better understanding for the people you're playing with.

There will be no adventure born out of this thread - only RP in character. If you aren't in a current RPG you're welcome to create a character of your own and join in the fun.

Please stay in character - I'll be happy to answer any questions you have. (PM them please :eek:)

Have fun.

Let the RPing begin.
Dusk at Aslan's How

The sun had just begun to set behind dark hills.

It was growing dark on Aslan's How, a place that was perhaps older and stranger than any other landmark of Narnia.

Under the swirling shadows of the place there sat on old, hooded figure. He was the first to come here - the first of many he hoped. For the sage has stories and song to share, and sitting alone at his fire did not suit him much.

He waited patiently; hoping for someone else to come soon.
"Well, hello," a girl said stepping out of the woods, "Who are you, and what is this place I have stumbled upon?"

She was wearing a cape, hood down, and had a kind face that smiled at the man.

Wherever she was, she felt as if she wanted to stay forever. She felt a deep magic around her.
The old man got up, bowed, and lowered his hood.

His face was weathered, pained and lined. His beard and hair white, and intermingled with many leaves and gnarles. It was obvious that he had traveled long and hard to get here.

He looked upon the girl with deep, unsettilingly bright gray eyes. A smile passed his lips; softening his features for a time.

"I am called by many names, but for now I go by 'Mage'. As for this place - it is a haven and safe-place for those who desire it. It is now called 'Aslan's How,' but was once known by another name. For there stood here a long time ago a great table made of stone - perhaps you know the tale?

Reguardless, I am getting ahead of myself, come and sit by the fire. Will you keep me company a while my new young friend, perhaps an old man won't bore you quite to much?" he smiled again. "And you're name?"
"I am Finney, good sir, and it would be a pleasure to keep you company."

She sat down by the fire and warmed her hands.

"Well, then, what brings you to this place called Aslan's How?" she asked
"Many things, many things." said Mage "But mostly just wearyness and a desire to share my tales and songs with others. I was a great adventurer once, you know? Oh yes, a very good one in my own right.

And what brings you here little one?"
"I guess the same reasons as yourself, but I didn't know that this was a place you could do it. No matter. This suits me quite fine."

She looked closer at the man, trying to see that he really was once a great adventurer.

"Tell me of your adventures. Were you in battles? or were you just a person that did as you pleased?"
Another figure stood out from the darkness...

"Umm, may i share this fire with you? I am very cold and would like to heat up a meal for myself. My name is Rian, I am a cenatuar and I could tell you a good tale in turn."

He walked a few steps and stopped waiting for an invitation.
"Aslan's How is welcome to all those who wish it, come forwards my friend and share the light and warmth of our fire."
Rian walked towards the fire and laid down his blanket. He rested on it and started to cook some meat.

"Thank you." he said. "This has not been a very easy moon cycle for me. Lately things have not been good. However i have faith that things will get better, starting with a good meal."

He reated a little and once his meat was cooked he said "Now what is the topic of disussion?"
"I believe I am at the moment." said Mage "My young friend wished to know more of me...though I am not as eager as her to share my history.

It is long, little maid, and perhaps too long at the moment to share.

I was in battles, yes, and sometimes just a wandering and pilgrim in the lands of this place. I am old, far older than you could ever guess, and so have seen many things both foul and fair in this place called 'Narnia.'

Will that suffice for now, or would you know more of me? Perhaps there is something that you or our new companion would share?"
"I have seen many a battle field myself friend. I still have the smell of smoke on me and i dont think i will be able to be rid of it. Yes, i even smell it on you and i dont think that being one of great age matters much for i am much older than i seem."
Mage laughed. "Aye friend, but I believe I am older still than you. Tell me though, in what battles did you fight - did you march against the Witch herself?"
He laughed heartily at this and proclaimed "Why, yes, yes indeed i did. i remember it in bits and peices as it was a very long time ago. I was actually stone in the White Whitch's courtyard when Aslan came back and rescued us all. i was turned into stone by that witch for giving Christmas presents. Isn't that horrible? Well, next thing i know i wake up standing in front of Aslan. i wanted to bow to him and it was a little awkward because i was so stiff. I'll never forget the giant beating down the gate and us going into battle against her. i didnt realize until later that i had been stone for quite some time and i missed my father's passing."

Rian looked into the glowing embers as he remembered it all

"We killed many dark things that day and i saw a few of my friends badly injured. i'll never forget that."
"I feel quite silly now, never been in as many battles or as great as you two have," Finny said with a small smile.

"You two are much before my time. I have only seen a couple battles and was only a part of one. But to be in the battle against the white witch! Alongside King Peter himself!"

Finny was quite taken away and she was hoping Mage would say more concerning his adventuring.
Rian laught heartily, "Oh, child, to have meet King Peter WOULD have been an honor, but although I saw him, I never met him." he said turning his meat over the fire.

"That day was a very interesting one indeed but I'll always remember when all four of thier majesties sat on the thrones in Cair Paravel, oh what a day for celebration THAT was..." his eyes flickered into the fire remembering events long passed.

"I got kissed by an Oak dryad that day." he said blushing, "I havnt been kissed like THAT since." he said winking to Mage.
As the evening settles, a mysterious cloaked figure emerges from the woods around the fire. Immediatly one can tell he is a faun because of his furry goat like legs. He is wearing a cloak with its hood up shadowing his face. His small horns stick out from little holes cut in the hood.
He looks battle worn and indeed stills wears a breastplate under his cloak and a shield on his back.
And with a sword at his side he strides over to the fire.

"Greetings fellow Narnians, may I share this fire?" he asks.
"My road has been long and I am weary"
"Most certainly," said Rian "We have all had our own fair share of weary paths, pray tell, your name and why you yourself are so weary."
"My name is Relian, you may call me Rel. I am an adventurerer who has seen many miles of late. I have only recently come from a mission to spy on the calmorenes. There has been talk of some of the tarkauns getting restless and turning their eyes to the North once more. I along with a few others were sent on this mission: to find out what we would of any malevolent plans from
And so I have traveled through the endless desert by hidden ways. Passed through Archenland, the land of our brethern and am now on my homeward journey."
"Needless to say that on a journey of that sort, one does see battle, and to that I wish to see a quick end. But, praise the the Lion, the calormenes plans were not as serious as we feared and for the present there is no threat to Narnia."
"And thank you for your hospitality, I am in your debt".

Then he lowered his hood and all could see that he had long curly, brown hair, and on his right cheek a small, thin scar ran.
he felt the presence of their eyes upon the scar. . .
"This", he said running his fingure along his scar," is from a calormene blade, one of my many gifts from that pit of a country".

Then he sat down and pulled some food from within his cloak and began to cook it. . . .
"Please, friend, do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only one hurt physically and spiritually by evil forces. Evil has a face and some never see it croutching at their door."

Rian turned his meat on the stick and tasted it, it was warm and well cooked and Rian started to eat...