Away the Shackles

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She smiled as they walked towards his car. she had never missed a day of school since she was seven, but this wouldn't kill her. it wouldn't even damage her perfect GPA. she would make it up in no time and in the meanwhile enjoy a day with the best guy ever.
she smiled at him, "Yah it does," shereached over and took one of his hands, "so how come you, the captin of the soccer team and the studant body presidant, are skipping school for me?"
Brin bit her botom lip and looked down at thier hands. she could feel the blood rising in her face. even after all this time she still couldn't believe that he perfered her over all those other girls that mooned over him. all the chearleaders and the perfect looking girls in his class.

ooc: that is sad :( see yah later then
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