Banners: by me, for you


It continued.
That looks a little bit creepy. The eyes and mouths don't match up, but it's interesting that their faces are pretty similarly shaped.

Oh they're very similarly shaped, my one friend wants Colin Morgan to play a young Benedict Cumberbatch. I could have found pictures that matched up better but I was just messing around between working on my essay. ;)
The first one looks cool! Though, I'd have to agree with Watson that the faces are a little awkwardly placed. It looks like Merlock is tilting to one side, lol! :D
I've been meaning to make a lot of banners. TinTin and Rise of the Guardians not least among these. I decided to make time for this Easter banner but I really must do homework now.

It looks cool! I haven't seen that movie yet. Is it good?


That's deserving of all caps because it's a simply fantastic movie but practically no one went to go see and everyone seems to think it looks cheesy or something but I love it.
I've been meaning to make a lot of banners. TinTin and Rise of the Guardians not least among these. I decided to make time for this Easter banner but I really must do homework now.


It's cute! I like the quote.

My roommate and I are going to get pizza and watch that movie one of these days.:D
Well, I would say it looks very awesome except someone put their little watermark right on the Doctor's cheek (the pic on the right, near his ear). :p Where's the quote from?
I knew I was going to miss a watermark somewhere...

The original quote is from the Tempest. In this blog the blogger referenced it and I liked it. ;)

And I remembered this song, I sang it in choir one year, and wanted a cover photo for Facebook with it.
