Banners: by me, for you

here you go



I made two just to make sure but I can still edit if you want
ok, I'll make several versions, I'll make one right now but it won't be as good as my normal ones because I only have Paint up here, but I'll try

sorry it took so long, I got a lot of other requests and truthfully I forgot about it :o
That's ok! I'll forgive you!!! LOl I love it it's GORGEOUS!!!!!XXX

Whenever you can can you make me a banner of Fred off of Scooby Doo [2] and let it say:Gorgeous Leader...I'd follow him anyday!

Hey GG, this has nothing to do with banners, but I didn't see a thread elsewhere, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love you dearly, sister!!! :) :) :) (this forum really needs hearts!)