Banners: by me, for you

I also remembered I can use Elvish on my avatars and banners. here's an example. and my avatar and banner.


it says Estel
*hugs Slp back until they both look like this :eek: *

so slp, request something, even if you aren't going to use it. I"m bored
my text is always kinda hard to read sadly enough. but maybe I should change it to a more readable color. it's all these different names for Aragorn. the most odd one is Longshanks. I don't really know where it comes from. a long time ago a friend and I were making a password and it was that you had to tell us ten names of Aragorn. I can't remember all of them
ohh..i see now, lol
i have not made any avvy's yet, im gonna do some later, and post them on my graphic thread
sadly, no1 has requested anything for me 2 do :(
*Estel* said:
ohh..i see now, lol
i have not made any avvy's yet, im gonna do some later, and post them on my graphic thread
sadly, no1 has requested anything for me 2 do :(

tell you what, if I ever get more than two requests at once I'll send one to you because truthfully you're actually better than me
I made some more banners

a banner with all the Narnian animals


another Tonks Lupin fan art banner


and a Star Wars banner, I personally like this one

you do do better banners. you're amazing

here's another avatar. it's too large for this forum so you'll have to get it resized if you want to use it
