Banners: by me, for you

Cool! I was wondering if you could make me a "Nanny McPhee" banner with mainly pictures of this kid

You can use any pics. you find and any text that you think fits the best!

I'll try my best, I admit though, I've only ever seen like the end of that ;)

and give me a second oh so patient FF readers and I will post Maggie's banners :D
Real Men 1

Real Men 2


Tripped Manip

I made a fun manip (^) to go along with Tripped and Photographs but I only have one picture of Amy so I can't make one for Wild Child. I do intend to make one for Real Men though
Here's the Real Men manip, with the interesting pictures of Enya and the serious lack of pictures of Paul this one turned out quite interesting.... ;) :p

Mia Wasikowska she's going to be Alice in the new Alice in Wonderland movie, she's in some other stuff too but I've never actually seen her in anything :rolleyes: ;)
lol! its never too late! i am 19 and just a few months from twenty and only decided i was ready to learn an instrument (the guitar) two months ago ;)