and here are the Hermione avatars LbT has heard about
and a Ginny avatar
and a Ginny avatar
I loved her in HBP!!! She was soo cute!THanks! Can you do it with pics of her from just HBP or are there not enough of her??And here are three Tonks banners for DestinyLies to choose from to start off my HP graphics
lol Tonks your fave character.
And for my three favorite characters in the HBp movie...
An (I won't call it lovely for his sake) avatar for Snape
And a banner for Malfoy
Two of my fave characters.
Love them! and as always I love the Hermione ones! I think everyone on TDL knows I like Hermione/Emma (especially my graphic makers )
Awww really! Awesome!
GG - your banner is amazing!!
Are you on Snitchseeker too????Thanks, I borrowed the textures from Audrey's photobucket, what would I do without her?
And the banner's a little blurry, pictures from Snitchseeker tend to be like that
Are you on Snitchseeker too????