The Fourth and Fifth together
and continuing my character banner series:
Zoe - This Is the Life by Hannah Montana
and continuing my character banner series:
Zoe - This Is the Life by Hannah Montana
I love that GG.
Hey sis!! It occured to me that as I'm no longer "Future Mrs. Machiathemarshwiggle", I may want a new banner... I'm wondering if you would be so kind as to make something up for me... Feel free to use whatever pics you want, and remember, I love sappy things...
and these pics (you can cut them if you need to)Hey When you get a chance can you do this for me???
What: Banner & Avvie (the avvie to be moving you can just make the banner like normal)
awwwwwwww Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you on the avvies add (after the slides the text: I miss you so much!)??? If not that's fine I love them! HUGHUGHUG
Of course! I was actually just thinking of an idea for a banner with you guys, I just have to work on a quote
and if you want you could borrow this one until I have a chance to work on yours