Very nice job on the last two. I especially love the second one. It's beautiful!
aw thanks, I especially appreciate that
Very nice job on the last two. I especially love the second one. It's beautiful!
this new listening to country music thing is scary but I love this song
No prob. I know how good it feels when people compliment your hard work. Anyways, do you still use Paint?
I love that song.
You're welcome, glad to help
Those who have watched the latest Doctor Who episode with the Weeping Angels will understand this one and tremble with fear Who Graphics/weepingangel.jpg
Two Sam banners to show Zella
amazing LOTR graphics!
GondorGirl you have inspired me too make my own graphics thread!
*hugs this*
Sorry,was looking through archives to see if you put my thegirls banners together and alas....
I love them both. Especially the first one. I was actually listening to that verse of that song when I saw it. Can I use it sometime?
Two Sam banners to show Zella
I love the 2nd one. Sam's so lovable/huggable.
isn't he though?
Very much so. He's the true hero of LotR.
very nice I like them!
Love the BarlowGirl one.
GondorGirl, I have a request!
I like the banners with the songs written into them. could you make one with the song This is Home? It is by swichfoot. here the link to the song