Battle of the Games:

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Peppy: "I'll take the ones on the left, Fox!"

"Fine! I'll go right. Make every missile count!"

Peppy: "You're not suggesting I'll miss a shot are you Fox?"

Fox: "Just engage them Peppy!! Go! Go!"

"Falco, which ones are you taking on?"

"I'm supposed to watch to make sure you don't total that ship, remember?"

"Big help you are! Just shoot something down, will ya?"
Jolene: CALM DOWN!! I will help you to find Linebeck but nothing without a price!
Link: What is it?
Jolene: I noticed your skills............I want this special shield
Link: What shield?
Jolene: This shield made by the creatures of the water
Ciela: Creatures of the water?
Jolene: The ocean. There has been a shield made by the water creatures and it's told to be very powerful
Link: Hmmmm........let me think about it
Ciela: Are we allowed to advice grandpa?
Jolene: You are allowed to do as much as you like but give me your answer
Link: We are going back to the ocean temple and will ask the ocean King's advice
Jolene: I will be here all day so let me know
Slippy: "He's mine, guys! The one I was chasing first. No one takes him."

Fox: "Fine Slippy... but is it ok if I first take care of the ones on your tail?"

Slippy: "On my tail? But there's nothing on my...." ZING! KERPLUNK! BANG! "On no he didn't!"

Fox: "Can I take him out now, Slippy."

*sigh* "Fine, I guess I can't turn around fast enough to get some payback. Take him Fox."

Fox: "Fox one! Fire!......................... BULLSEYE!!"
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Link and Ciela go back to the Ocean's King Temple

OK: You two come to ask me advice about the quest
Ciela: You know everything Grandpa!
OK: Of course darling! Let me see
Link: Jolene hasn't seen Linebeck either
OK: Jolene is telling the truth. If she would have attacked Linebeck she would have already told you so but something happened to him. Let me see......

" A vision starts"

OK: Linebeck went out fishing. He was looking for a big treasure in the south-western ocean. He passed the fog. You and him have been there a couple of times. No problems for Linebeck to go there anymore. So he smoothly passed it and he went straight to one of the unnamed islands. According to the map there was a large treasure on the biggest island. Linebeck stopped his boat and was ready to dig it up. He digged it up indeed but something came with it. I see a large creature. It attacked him. The next moment Linebeck disappeared but his boat had been brought back here.

Link: So he disappeared. But what happened to him and what about the shield?
OK: The shield made by the water creatures Jolene is talking about is a mysterious shield. It has been said those who will find the shiled will become powerful on sea. This shield will hold enemies from attacking you. It will dodge everything attacking you
Ciela: OF COURSE JOLENE WANTS IT! She is a pirate
OK: Yes she is but I'm afraid she is he only one who can help you to find Linebeck
Link: But how do we know if we can trust her?
OK: This is simple. Help her to find the shield. If you find the shield, you will find Linebeck
Link: Do you mean Linebeck was after this shield? Did he find it?
OK: Every pirate is after this shield Link. Imagine you are a pirate between all the other pirates. Wouldn't you like to have such a shield too?
Link: I guess so
OK: Now, go back to Jolene and give her this

The Ocean King gives Link a large map.

OK: It's a diary and it contains a map. This map is the map you might remember back from the days you and Linebeck were after Bellum. It has been restored as it use to be. The only thing you need to do is to find the other 6 treasure maps. They are hidden everywhere in the south-western ocean. Look very good and you will find a lot of chests which contains a lot of important things
Link: I'll go to Jolene
Ciela: I'll go with you
OK: Be careful Link and remember; you can always return to me. If you need anything just ask Ciela to warp you back to this island and you can visit me. Ciela will return you to the place you last visited if you are finished
"...were you looking for ME Fox?"

Fox: "Cayman? What's going on Cayman? By the way, could you fly in front of me for a sec please? I have another missile I want to test. Be a good boy won't ya?"

"Actually Fox, it is YOU who is in front of me, ha ha ha ha!"

"Oh no you didn't!"

Cayman: "Oh yes I didy!"


Fox: "Peppy, thanks for telling Cayman how I'm going to get out of his trap and take him out."

Peppy: "Oops...'re welcome?"
Ciela: Ok, let's go back Link!
Link: Do we need more?
OK: There are small treasures hidden. Here, this will help you

The Ocean King gives Link a sword

Link: Thanks! This looks very beautiful
OK: Now go back and watch carefully
Link: I will

Link and Ciela left. Outside the Castle Link did cut the grass and grabbed a total amount of 10 rupees. Then he and Ciela hurried to Jolene.

Link: Here is something you can use
Jolene: What is this?
Link: The old treasure map. We must find 6 others in the southwestern Ocean
Jolene: are some rupees. I advice you to get some food and drinks and then we are going
Link: okay

Link went back to the store to do some errands. He bought enough food to make a long journey
0100hrs, 2553, April 5th (UNSC Military Calendar) Aboard The Amber Clad

It was Lieutenant Amy Jurgians first day aboard the Amber Clad. She had graduated the Academy only a few weeks ago and was starting to adjust to life aboard the ship. She had met most of the crew including the Captain Miranda Keyes. She knew very little about Miranda, except that she was the daughter of the late Captain Jacob Keyes who's daring acts of valor and devotion are known to all UNSC personal .

Lieutenant Jurgians had dressed in the standard officer attire. A grey uniform with black shoulder pads and matching grey boots. Lieutenant Jurgians also had side arm, but she never carried it on the bridge nor anywhere else for that matter. After all she was Officer and they rarely fought in ground combat. Lieutenant Jurgians made her way to the bridge. She had been informed that Covenant cruisers had entered orbit around Earth. She had done studies in the Academy of the Covenant's battle tactics in space and she knew the advantages.

However Lieutenant Jurgians was confident that the UNSC fleet and MAC cannons could hold of the Covenant from seiging Earth. After all the Covenant's fleet was considerably small, especially compared to the fleet that attacked Reach. Lieutenant Jurgians was ready to assume her post on bridge. When Lieutenant Jurgians reached the bridge Miranda was already barking orders. When I say barking it was not in a harsh way, but in a blunt way. Several Covenant ships had broken through Orbital Defense Grid. Two MAC cannons had been destroyed by an unknown source, presumably a bomb.

Miranda: Cut thrusters on the starboard side and level us out. Lieutenant Harper prepare the MAC cannon,

Harper: Yes mama.. the MAC cannon is at 3% and climbing.

Miranda: Arm Archer Missile pods A through E.

Harper: Archer Missiles armed.

Miranda: Now.. lutes give these Covenant intruders a a warm welcome.. on my mark fire the aft thrusters at maximum.

Lieutenant Jurgians stood at the ready as she watched Miranda command. IT was an inspiration, she had never seen a Officer so cool headed and so quick on her feet. As Miranda waited for the Amber Clad's MAC cannon to charge, she turned and glanced at Lieutenant Jurgians.

Miranda: Lieutenant.. assume your station.

Amy: Yes mama.

Lieutenant Jurgians quickly took her station at the communications and sensor array. There she began typing on digital key board. She filled in the blanks with her UNSC ID.

Miranda: Lieutenant Jurgians.. get Fleet Admiral Lord Hood on the NONCOM ASAP.

Lieutenant Jurgians quickly opened up channel on NONCOM and contacted The Albatross.

Amy: Captain.. the channel is open.

Miranda: Good.. Lord Hood?

Hood: ... Miranda..

Miranda: Sir.. requesting permission to engage the Covenant Capital ship near the surface.

Hood: Negative commander.. not against a ship that size. Regroup with the Lotus and Taurus.

Miranda: Yes sir..

Miranda turned to her bridge crew.

Miranda: Looks like were going to have sit this one out.. plot a new course and regroup with the Lotus and Taurus.

Amy: Mama.. I'm getting a transmission from the surface. I can't quite make it out.

Miranda: Play the message Lieutenant.

The message read:
Regret.. regret.. regret.

Miranda: Hmm... is there any more to the message Litenute?

Amy: Yes.. but It's taking are translation software some time to translate it.

Miranda: Well keep at it..

Lieutenant Jurgians began typing on key pad again, she was trying to find way to speed up the software.

Suddenly a blue light began to beep on her console.

Amy: Mama.. incoming transmission.

Miranda: Patch it through..

Cortana: We are in route to New Mombassa.. I've received a coded transmission from the Covenant.

Miranda: So have we.. can you make it out.

Cortana: Yes.. regret.. regret.. regret.

Miranda: Catchy.. do you know what it means?

Johnson: Dear humanity we regret being alien bastards.. we regret coming to Earth.. and we most notably regret that the Core just blew off are raggedy ass fleet!

Pilots: Hurrah!

Cortana: Regret is a name Sergeant.. a name of one of Covenant religious leaders.. a Prophet.

Miranda: Open up a COM to Lord Hood.. if we can seize and capture this Prophet is might shake of Covenant leadership.

Amy: NONCOM is open.

Miranda: Lord Hood.. new information.. one of Covenant's leaders.. a Prophet is on the surface.. requesting permission to stay in orbit.

Hood: Request.. granted Captain. You make sure that Prophet stays where he is.

Miranda: Yes sir!

Harper: Mama.. the Capital Ship is interring the atmosphere.

Miranda: Hold are position.

Harper: Yes mama.

Amy: Mama.. I'm getting another transmission.. It's coming from the ship.

Miranda: On screen.

Prophet: Behold the rechet hive of the plauge known as homosapian.. it is with great reluctance we must set foot upon this desolate place.. but do not lose heart.. for sacred promise wil lsoon be fufilled and are Great Journey will begin!

Miranda: Lieutenute Harper.. fire up the thrusters.. we can't lose that ship.

Harper: Fireing thrusters.. maximun burn!

The Amber Clad sailed towards the surface trailing the Covenant ship.

The Amber Clad headed towards the surface, fallowing the Covenant ship.
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Jolene: Okay young man, let's go now
Link: Which way should we sail first?
Jolene: According to the map we should keep this trail
Link: We sailed it many long years ago
Jolene: So it should be easy for you to remember
Link: Yes, I do
Ciela: So do I
Jolene: And if we find Linebeck we also find the shield?
Link: Yes, or if we find the shield we would find Linebeck
Jolene: I see
Ciela: Aren't these aters filled with dangers?
Jolene: Always! But we must not forget the fellow pirates and the birds
Fox: "No problem Peppy. Try to keep your intercom in silence next time?"

Peppy: "And how I'm I supposed to talk to you then?"

"Talk to me when there's no one on my tail next time, OK?"

Cayman: "Are you guys done? I'm still behind Fox, you know? Nothing can stop me."

Falco: "Except me, lizard boy! FOX ONE! FIRE! ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppp"
I didn't have to miss you know Cayman?"

Cayman: "Eeeeeeeeehhhh! Time to go!! Se you later gators!"


Falco: "Is that Arwing ok, Fox?"

Fox: "Yes, Falco, I'm fine here alright?"

"I'm talking about the ship, you know?"

Fox: *sigh! :rolleyes:*
Jolene: Boy...what's your name again?
Link: LInk
Jolene: are your fighting skills?
Link: I haven't done any fight for a couple of years now
Jolene: I'm going to teach you some fighting skills...are you ready?
Link: But what about the ship?
Jolene: I think your friend can be our guide
Ciela: Yes, I can do it
Jolene: let's go

Jolene and Link go down in the ship and Jolene handles Link a sword.

Jolene: Now...just attack me. I want to see how much you remember
Peppy: "Well, there are still a few guys around, let's go take them."

Fox: "They are too far away, besides, with the lizard boy gone, I think they will high-tail it too. Just wait and watch."

Falco: "Good idea Fox. I am glad I don't have to chase after you all over this sector to make sure you don't try anything crazy."

Fox: "What if I try something crazy Falco?"

Falco: "Oh no, you don't. Not with that brand new Arwing, you don't!"

Fox: "Since when do you care so much for the ships, Falco?"

Falco: "Since the last one came out of my paycheck, that's when."

Slippy: "Uh, guys? Sorry to cut the romance short, but I have like six guys on my tail again."


Slippy: "It's still the same guy."

Falco: "You mean you haven't taken him down yet?"

Slippy: "Well, he's really good. I think he's Wolf O'Donnell."
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Fox: "Wolf? Now, why am I not surprised."

Falco: "I bet General Pepper couldn't pay him what he asked."

Fox: "It's a good thing too. Wolf always ends up swindling his employer anyway!"

Fox: "I wonder how much is Andross paying him?"

"That's another thing, Fox. Andross never keeps his promises."

"Well, I guess those two are made for each other."

Slippy: "Uhm, guys? Are you done? I still need help here, you know?"
Sorry peeps but I won't have time to play the final scene where Fox McCloud eats the brains of Andross after Fox defeats him. Sorry and bye!
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