BEST book of all time?

EDIT: As of now, please name the place where you buy books

I buy my books from Barnes and Noble ^

Here we go....

Harry Potter, Narnia, Series of Unfortunate Events, Lord of the rings, the hobbit, and Artemis Fowl :D

What about you?
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I hear that harry potter 7 comes out in summer 2007, and movie 5 comes out same time. also, series of unfortunate events last one #13 comes out friday the 13th october.
Lord of the Rings By J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit By J.R.R. Tolkien
The Old Man and the Sea By Ernest Hemmingway
Mythology By Edith Hamilton
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe By C.S. Lewis
The Man in the Iron Mask By Alexander Dumas
The Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan
Lord of the Rings-all 6 books (yes six, Fellowship, TT, and RotK are two books each)-JRR Tolkien
The Hobbit-JRR Tolkien
Narnia-all of them-CS Lewis
The Space Trilogy-(Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength)-CS Lewis
Harry Potter-All of them (though OotP not as much)- JK Rowling
There are WAY more... just can't remember...
Lord of the Rings (All the LOTR books)

(Black, Red and White are a trilogy by Ted Dekker)

This Present Darkness
Piercing the Darkness
The Oath
(All these are by Frank Peretti)

Legand of the Guardian-King
(I've read the second book of the four books above, I recamend reading it)

There are so many more that I've read, but these are (so far:D) my al time fav's:D
The one book I keep rereading over and over again is Pat Conroy's the Lords of Discipline. Then after that would come the Trilogy and Chronicles.
Here they go:

The Chronicles of Narnia series, especially VODT, HHB n LB

Harry Potter series, esp. book 4 n 6 (I like the characters development in book 6, esp. Draco)

Peter Pan (J.M Barrie)

Little Princess n Secret Garden (F.H. Burnett)

To Kill A Mockingbird by Lee Harper......beautiful story

The kite Runner by Khalid Hussein

Bridge of Teribinthia by Katherine Patterson

Belle Prater's boy (I forgot the author)

Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer(but I still read the first book)

A Little Piece of Ground (I forget again the Author)

The Solitaire Mystery (Jostein Gaarder)

The Da Vinci Code n Demons n Angels (Dan Brown)

And the newest one......The Curious Incident of A Dog In The Night-Time b(Mark Haddon)

I love books very much n no days without reading for me :)