~RG Lover~

New member
alright is anyone else here hooked on Big Brother? i've been watching this show since the 4th season and i love it! well, this year is the all stars and my two all time favorites are back in the house, Kaysar and Janelle! YAY! :cool: ! i think this is going to be one of the best seasons, since you know, its the best of the best ;) . well i hope some of you guys like it as much as i do, and i hope we can talk about it.

please come here if you are a fan, and let me know who you think will win and who is your favorite!
I got sucked into the madness the very first season...and I've been watching it ever since, but I missed the Season Opener!!! GOSH DARN IT!!!! All Stars, you say? Shoud be interesting!
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
I got sucked into the madness the very first season...and I've been watching it ever since, but I missed the Season Opener!!! GOSH DARN IT!!!! All Stars, you say? Shoud be interesting!

:eek: STEPH! You missed it???

I can't believe you!
Just kidding

I watched it. HAHA Chicken George! :D
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
ya i have no clue what that means. lol.
i guess i'll have to start watching it now!!!

mkay, well if you watched Big Brother Season 1, this guy named George was on there, and he had to do this thing with Cihckens.. long story short, every one calls him Chicken George.
Tea~Fairy said:
mkay, well if you watched Big Brother Season 1, this guy named George was on there, and he had to do this thing with Cihckens.. long story short, every one calls him Chicken George.

seasn 1 was so long ago i dont even remember it lol
Lucy_QueenofNarnia said:
seasn 1 was so long ago i dont even remember it lol

yes it was.

I don't rmemeber a lot of them.
I remember season 5&6 the most though.

When they were choosing who was going in the house I was like naming them before Julie did and then Julie would say the same name and my mom would be like "Wow! You are good!"
I've been watching Big Brother since season 6 (call me a newb) but I am obsessed. I found out that in every single season, a person from the first dominant allience wins the game (source, wikipedia, one of the BB USA pages) I think its safe to assume at this point that the Season 6 allience was and is the dominant allience in the game.

Now for who I think will win the game:


Janelle and Jase won HOH. With Jase agreeing to nominate people, he was able to become part of the BB6 allience. Using the statistic above, at this point Janielle, James, Kaysar, Howie, or Jase could win All Stars

To narrow it down further, the majority of the house wanted Janielle gone, while Will and Mike "Boogy" wanted Kaysar gone. When you say that this early in the game, chances are they will probably be eliminated early on. People fear James' ability to win PoV, so people will either eliminate him or try to be his ally. Jase probably pissed people off with his nominations, so he will probably be eliminated unless he can sweet talk his way out of it this week.

Therefore, my prediction to win the game is Howie if he does not become annoying.

Who do you think will win and why?
haha ^newby^

jk of course, ill never be rude to a mod :eek: u have the power to ban! :eek: (that deserves another eek face)

oh my god! u guys i was just online chating with other bb7 fans and the head master of the site came on and was like "janelle has been evicted for fighting with danelle, more news will be ariving shortly to cbs. com" and so everyone was like "hes crazy that was a hacker! that wasnt the head master guy" and so people who have the live feeds (my cheap dad :mad: ) were like "nothings even happening" and then like a couple of minutes later they were all like "oh my god! janelle is evicted! she got into a fight and she leaving the house right now" :eek: and so i start freaking out of course cause she was my fave player from last season and she is the one im going for most this season! and so i was like "you know what? im leaving cause if this is a joke im ganna be expecting it on tuesday and if she doesnt leave im ganna be all mad" so i left as i said i was going to, but what if this wasnt a joke or anything? what if she really did get ejected from the game? whats ganna happen? i dont think ill be able to see anymore episodes knowing she went home early! [insert EEK!, Mad, & Frown faces here]
holyboy666 said:
Added a Spoiler Alert to the thread title, because some of us don't have feeds. :)
i dont either! thats why i was like "i dont know whats going on!!!!" :eek:

EDIT: but uhmmm........... is there really spoilers? you know the show is live half the time ;)
holyboy666 said:
I've been watching Big Brother since season 6 (call me a newb) but I am obsessed. I found out that in every single season, a person from the first dominant allience wins the game (source, wikipedia, one of the BB USA pages) I think its safe to assume at this point that the Season 6 allience was and is the dominant allience in the game.

Now for who I think will win the game:


Janelle and Jase won HOH. With Jase agreeing to nominate people, he was able to become part of the BB6 allience. Using the statistic above, at this point Janielle, James, Kaysar, Howie, or Jase could win All Stars

To narrow it down further, the majority of the house wanted Janielle gone, while Will and Mike "Boogy" wanted Kaysar gone. When you say that this early in the game, chances are they will probably be eliminated early on. People fear James' ability to win PoV, so people will either eliminate him or try to be his ally. Jase probably pissed people off with his nominations, so he will probably be eliminated unless he can sweet talk his way out of it this week.

Therefore, my prediction to win the game is Howie if he does not become annoying.

Who do you think will win and why?

BB6 is only the dominate allience because those people were there last. They are more in 'tune' with the game, especialy since it has changed since season 1.

And, every one has to know that the producers piked who would be in the house because it would make good reality TV. And they are going to form so many 'twists' so they can plan out on who are possible winners.
Still great Reality TV.

Acctualy Jase is playing everybody!
He said that if people take it as he is part of the BB6 allience or the 'others' allineces, 'whatever'.
He doesn't care either way.
He is playing it solo, truely.

And I deffinatly count on Howie (gotta love him, haha) becoming annoying.
Just like last season and probably forever.

Daniell (sp?) is screwing up, I think, because she is turning every one against her.
With her little comment: " I just give the information, you take it and use it how you want!"
James is already on to her.

And Evil Dr. Will (A previous winner), he and Boogy (Batman and Robin group :D ) are trying to keep it low, but they should have started low, because now people are starting to think about what they are doing.
Of course Will thought he would be on the chopping block first.

I still can't decide who I think is going to win.
oh my goodness!

did any of you see tonights episode?! :eek:

it was awesome! i was so happy janelle got the pov and she decided not to use it. i was kind of hoping shed use it to save daniele and put will up for eviction but i think that alli is still more dangerious to the bb6 people (who i like the most). i cant stand jase, i hope he goes home soon, he's trying to be like james last season, how he was working everyone in the house! :eek: :rolleyes: but omg! i hope alli goes homw thursday!
i actually consider myself to be one of the biggest bb fans there is.
my fave in the house is janelle and i think shes ganna win this time! she was ripped off last season!

oh, alli is so ganna go home tomorrow night! ;)
what did i tell ya?

i so knew that alli was going home, shes the biggest liar and back stabber in the house ;) and those people never succede (well, almost never).

how happy are all yall that kaysar is the new hoh?


at least the bb6 people are safe for another week.
OMG I was gone all day.
Thank goodness I have Tivo.

So Alli is gone.

Lucky for Janell.

She was mean to her and she was clueless. if she would have stayed Janell would be going through lots of trouble!

Yes, James, I think, played smart and could have won. Same with Kaysar.
To me Big Brother is just annoying! This series it's getting chlostraphobic (sp). I think they are trying to make know, with ONLY double beds? I hate it, and it's abit stupid 4 obviously have nothing else to put on TV.