^^^^^^ Lol ^^^^^^

i take it that your channel 4 is CBS? :D

well, i happen to love it. omg! i am so happy that Ali went home and i am so happy that Kaysar won HoH and that he put up Nakomis and Diane. Nakomis is a very dangerous player, u never know what side she is going to be on. :eek: and the 3rd best in the house, Ericka, won PoV and since her and marcelis are in a aliance with bb6 she wont use it on either of the two evicties. YAY! so one of them are going home! another YAY!
i am so angry now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i almost forgot about will and boogie, and i then i was like "wait! Kay already put up diane and nakomis!" why the heck did he do that?! CHILTOWN (god i hate them) are the biggest threat to bb6! thats who he shouldve put up!but now theyre talking bout tking nakomis off the block and putting up will, though, i think jase might be the biggest threat since hes playing both sides and theyre all kinda falling for it! :eek: but you know, we never know so hopefully kaysar can figure a way out of this one.

isnt it so cute how kaysar and ericka are getting close? :)
so, how do you guys like that jase went home and that jannele (my all time fave) won hoh for the 2nd time this season? season 6 is kicking major butt right now, and im loving it. hopefully she puts up boogie and diane. ;) thats who id put up.
I can't believe they ACTUALLY redid the entire HOH competition because the buzzers weren't working correctly! MAN! I was happy when Erica won... I want to see Janelle leave. REALLY BAD.
well yall!

no big suprise that jani (the greatest player to ever play) is in the final 3, now she just has to win this weeks hoh and send boogie (i hate him more then almost anyone on earth) to the jury house.

i like howie, i liked him a lot even in season 6, but i think hes been over-reacting to how the players have been playing the game.

but i was the happiest person on the face of the earth to see that the girls finally picked up on chill-town and sent one of them packing. :cool:
hmm...I don't even know who I want to win anymore...Erika, Mike Boogie, and Janelle are left...I've always disliked Janelle, but it is true that she was the toughest competition for ANY of the other houseguests. So I do believe if she makes it to the final two she'll win...

And I agree about Chill Town too. I wanted them to last for awhile because they made it interesting, not to mention hysterical, but I definitely do not want one of them to win.
well, i just finished crying *starts up again* cause janelle (the greatest player to eva play didnt make the final 2 for the second year in a row! :mad: :( ericka better win! so i was going over the entire season and heres how i play out the votes. ericka will win by 4 to 3

votes for ericka:
marjelious (hahaha :D )

votes for boogie:

by the way, janelle is so going to win the 25,000 so at least she ain't going home empty handed! ;)